Dark north facing family room.. Need some idea for colors?

Oneita Jones
by Oneita Jones

I have dark wood paneling in my family room that points north.. I'm going to have them painted.. My painter is using Sherwood Williams. I tried Worldy gray and twilight gray and even agreeable gray...... Some one mention a cream color..I moved the plant and moved the end table away from those windows. No more clock above tv. to the left of tv I have a full glass door.I do have a window to the far right facing east. I'm having bad dreams about this! LOL I can't move that TV One day I'm going to redo that trunk.

My family room

  8 answers
  • Katie Katie on Sep 14, 2018

    This is just a personal viewpoint, but I try to stay away from gray, especially in a north facing room--it's a cold color. I see your wood floors and TV cabinet are more golden, so I'd agree with the suggestion for a tan. When you paint the walls, your beams will stand out, so bear that in mind. Love your trunk! You might just update the look with a new runner, perhaps of burlap, as a temporary fix. Good luck. I know painting either DIY or by pro, is scary. :-)

  • Janice Janice on Sep 14, 2018

    You might add a large mirror opposite the east window, if that is possible. It will reflect more light into your room.....or one opposite the door to bring the light from outside in. Some bright throw pillows or throws can enliven the space as well.

  • Cheryl Cheryl on Sep 14, 2018

    HI - I am a fan of using strategically placed mirrors to create "windows" that reflect light into the room. It looks like your TV is on the wall that receives great light.... Otherwise, a large reflective art piece or mirror could create a "view" through your dark side wall. Even placing a curtain around a fake mirror window would give the illusion of a light source. I saw a project where someone took an old window, frosted it, and added back lighting so that the window appears to be letting light in. Your beautiful floor is lighter and reflects the light. I'd experiment with placing furniture is ways that they do not block light and create shadows that make the room look darker and smaller. Choosing a bright accent color for pillows, candles, and do-das will also reflect that lighter vibe. Best to you!

  • Emily Emily on Sep 14, 2018

    we too have a living room that is north/east facing but our room is stylistically very different. I copied the Swedish style of using pale blue. In giving advice on a site such as this, it is helpful to see pics of all four walls of a room. Your room appears to be very large but it also does not appear to have "zones" but maybe I am mistaken and they are understood by seeing the whole room. I would avoid gray. . . maybe a Tuscan red? It is really hard to advise without seeing the room wholly.

    comment photo
  • Sherri Sherri on Sep 14, 2018

    There are so many shades of gray. Maybe a more "brownish" gray would look better if you really want gray. If you want more color, is there an accent color you are using? I'd just get some samples (many samples! ) and live with them for a while so you can see them at different times of the day. Don't rush, you'll find the perfect one! Good luck.

  • Mary from the Garden Mary from the Garden on Oct 21, 2018


    I love your dark wood...We have a dark maroon colored wall and have an autumn picture on it...you could have a mirror too...have a play with what you have available first...Mary

  • Mary from the Garden Mary from the Garden on Oct 21, 2018

    P.S. the pictures you can GOOGLE...Robert Wood autumn images

    or whatever just to see...I like images where you can look into the distance and cheerful colors...Mary again

  • Just kris Just kris on Oct 22, 2018
