How do I repaint some wooden TV tables with acrylic paint?

Lena Wynn
by Lena Wynn
  6 answers
  • Kathryn Kathryn on Sep 15, 2018

    Sand them and paint.

  • Lauren of Mom Home Guide Lauren of Mom Home Guide on Sep 15, 2018

    Or, if you don't want to do a lot of sanding, you could use chalk paint. I repainted an old standing oak chest with chalk paint, and only did minimal prep work and sanding beforehand. You can check out the details here:

  • Janice Janice on Sep 16, 2018

    You can simply rough them up a bit with sandpaper and then use some stain-blocking primer such as Zinsser B-I-N or Kilz to insure that any previous stain or finish doesn't bleed through when you paint the trays. You could also use a stencil to paint a design on the trays. Have fun with it and be pleased with your renovation of the fun to change things up a bit! :)

  • Kelli L. Milligan Kelli L. Milligan on Sep 16, 2018

    If they are going to get a lot of use, best to use oil based paint. Sand, prime with oil based primer, apply 2 coats of finish paint in satin oil based

  • Sandra O'Shea Sandra O'Shea on Sep 16, 2018

    Paint them to a color of your liking and use a fruit or flower stencil in the middle of the t.v. tray. Or and you could stencil on the outside edges and all around the table with a stencil leaf design or something of your choosing. Prime it I think first so the paint will stick and adhere better. Or, if you are good at drawing etc. go for it. :) Hope this helps.

  • Here are some tv trays that one of our retailers name Jean Fields did. She painted them with Dixie Belle and super easy. Just clean with Dixie Belle White Lightning. Paint and then stencil or just leave plain. Then put a couple of coats of Gator Hide. Easy Peasy!

    Teri - If you ever need help or have any questions you can feel free to call us at 813-909-1962 during business hours. We have a full staff here eager to help you!

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