If I trim this down will it look more like a bush?

by Amber

I’m not sure why this holly tree has such a long bark when others I see have more foliage at the bases. I have asked my landscaper to trim it down to look like a bush but not sure if it’s going to work and if I should just remove the whole tree. Ideas ?

  7 answers
  • Amanda Amanda on Sep 25, 2018

    Hi Amber. I would trim it down. That will promote new growth at the bottom to bush it out.

  • Sarah A. Victory Sarah A. Victory on Sep 25, 2018

    That reminds me of a Nellie R. Stevens Holly I have. Mine was so tall when I bought my home I limbed it up from the ground, thinned out the branches and shaped it on the top. Mine is on the back side of my home so it doesn't bother me much and is about as tall as the row of Crape Myrtles that share the bed. It has to be trimmed annually though. Good luck!

    • Amber Amber on Sep 25, 2018

      Thanks! I’m going to try! I just purchased this home and the two in front have overgrown taking away from the home instead of adding to it.

      comment photo
  • Sarah A. Victory Sarah A. Victory on Sep 25, 2018

    Now that I see your cute house---the hollies are blocking your windows. I would trim them to below bottom of windows (a gardening rule of thumb). If you still don't like them I would cut them down and do a pyramidal evergreen on each corner of your house. I like Emerald Green Arborvitae and they grow pretty fast--not sure how they would do in VA. but you could google your planting zone. Mine is zone 7 in TN. Best of luck to you. You seem to have some good bones to work with. :)

  • Fiddledd224 Fiddledd224 on Sep 25, 2018

    A holly tree is free-form and should be allowed to grow this way. It is not meant to be sculpted/formed.

    • Amber Amber on Sep 25, 2018

      I would need to cut them down completely if i can’t sculpt them down. I don’t think they would transplant well either from what I’ve been told. Hopefully sculpting will take.

  • Fiddledd224 Fiddledd224 on Sep 25, 2018

    A little trimming or shaping would work but PLEASE don't make it into a shaped shrub! It's not meant to be that kind of plant/tree. Save that for boxwoods or other evergreen.

    • Amber Amber on Sep 25, 2018

      Do you think it can be moved safely? We have plenty of room on the property but they are just too big there in the front.

  • Lagree Wyndham Lagree Wyndham on Oct 10, 2018

    These are not Holly Trees. Holly Shrubs, I hate those things. You can cut it way back and it will "shrub" back. My suggestion would be to completely take those things out, they are nothing but trouble and the leaves will stick in your foot if you go barefoot. I used to work landscape and always hated the overgrown holly hedges.

    You have a very cute house.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Oct 20, 2021

    Hi, Wait till Christmas time, the offer Fresh holly to anyone as Pick your own (PYO) basis, or make Holly Wreaths yourself and sell them. When most of the foliage has gone, get on line and offer your Holly to Wood Carvers etc. on the same basis as before. You could find you end up with very happy folk who might even become friends and your trees - GONE!