Should I cut down perennials end of season?

Barb Hookway
by Barb Hookway

It's the end of the season in Mi. Should I cut down the perennials (I usually weed whip them down) or leave them and do it in the Spring? I have many many perennial gardens.

  6 answers
  • Carol Prim Carol Prim on Sep 26, 2018

    Cut down, otherwise you have a mess in spring. Don't pull them out. Most perennials seed in the fall, drop the seed so they can spread and create more plants.

  • Libbie B Libbie B on Sep 27, 2018

    Hello fellow Michigander! I cut mine down in the Fall as it saves a much bigger mess in the Spring. Happy Fall.

  • Landsharkinnc Landsharkinnc on Sep 27, 2018

    depends on the plant -- some bloom on old growth, some on new growth and some reseed ... Personally I don't cut mine back --- I don't mind the textures and colors that the bare plants provide in the fall -- better than a bare plot of soil --- just mulch well

  • Sally Sally on Sep 27, 2018

    If leaves dead, whack ‘em! If anything is still green, best to wait - the roots get their food from the leaves. My hostas are the only things that stay green so I just deal with them in spring. I just learned after YEARS of gardening that mulching in fall is sooo much easier than in spring. Don’t have to worry about getting around all that new growth.

    • Barb Hookway Barb Hookway on Sep 27, 2018

      How can you mulch in the Fall when plants are heavily touching each other as mine have and if I leave mos standing?

  • Barb Hookway Barb Hookway on Sep 27, 2018

    And there are many more gardens at my house like these.

  • Sally Sally on Sep 27, 2018

    i mulch when everything has died back. It can be pretty chilly by the time I do it - early November- but much easier than in spring.