Plastic bag yarn, ideas?

Eleanor Evans
by Eleanor Evans
  4 answers
  • Kim Kim on Oct 06, 2018

    Cut your plastic bags into strips across the bag so that you have loops. Chain the loops together and roll into a ball. You can cut thin strips for bags and purses and thicker strips (1”) for rugs and mats.

    I hope that helps


  • Betty Albright-Bistrow Betty Albright-Bistrow on Oct 06, 2018

  • Deb K Deb K on Oct 06, 2018

    this should help

  • DesertRose DesertRose on Oct 08, 2018

    You can use plastic bag yarn to make door mats, plastic mats for indoors. Just braid it and roll it into the size you want. I cut them in rings and make a loop to attach them to each other to make a very long braid to make into mats. I put baking paper over it on one side and hold an iron on them to connect all the sections together on the back side, but you have to experiment on a short braid strand to practice so you don't use too much heat. Put the baking paper on the plastic and iron over the paper letting the iron set just briefly over each section until it has connected itself.