How can i find out the name of this succulent ?

by Navi

i bought this plant at a succulent show. It looks like a pony tail palm, also it has these little knots on the bulb.

thank you.

It did not have a name tag.

  10 answers
  • Zard Pocleeb Zard Pocleeb on Oct 11, 2018

    Below I have included a website about your plant and some pictures. Hope this helps. It is called ‘Scilla Violacea, but it has more common names listed in the article.

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  • Hel34008031 Hel34008031 on Oct 11, 2018

    That doesn't look like a succulent (even if you bought it at a succulent show) - the leaves aren't fleshy enough. Its fascinating. Send the photo to your local plant nursery to get the name. Good luck.

  • Asc21094929 Asc21094929 on Oct 11, 2018

    Talk with the folks at The Green Gate in Seguin, Texas. They will know that plant. They are well known for having the strange and unusual plants.

  • Kmdreamer Kmdreamer on Oct 11, 2018

    Looks like a baby money tree

  • AussieAlf AussieAlf on Oct 12, 2018

    I recon it is a pregnant or false onion - Ornithogalum caudatum

  • Sandy Sandy on Oct 12, 2018

    I use an app that identifies plants by photo on my smartphone. It is a free app called PictureThis. It gives you several choices of plants that look like your photo. Free for the first 15 uses. It agrees with the other responders that it is a Pregnant Onion (family of Asparagaceae. It is a flowering tropical east Africa (South African) plant used for potting

  • Pem11866416 Pem11866416 on Oct 12, 2018

    It is a pregnant onion.. The little bulblets attached to the mother bulb are the babies, (hence the name " pregnant onion" )and when planted will be new lovely plants on their own.. They sometimes drop off and root on their own, in the soil... It has a forever long stem with long , long, long cluster white flowers...

  • Mary Westmaas Mary Westmaas on Oct 12, 2018

    The pregnant onion will get lots of little bulbs on the side of the mother plant they will fall off and make new plants in the soil if it's in the bright light it will get a blossom stem that comes out of the middle and has white blossoms. Bright light not direct sunlight. If the bulb gets mushy it's dehydrated give it more water

  • Navi Navi on Oct 14, 2018

    Thank you all, it is a pregnant onion.