Can you help me on wall color?

by Shirley

I just had this gray carpet put in and started painting walls... stopped halfway as Im not sure it matches?? Room is 18’x13’... Thanks!

  10 answers
  • Coolfurniturelady Coolfurniturelady on Oct 11, 2018

    Give the paint a day or two to dry, as latex deepens during drying. The carpet appears in the photo to be a blue-er gray than the warmer-toned wall paint. You may be able to tie them together with the room accents. If you want the walls to be in the same family as the carpet, take a piece of carpet with you to the paint store and find a closer color. Get several samples as you may find that your lighting is significantly different from the store's lighting.

  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Oct 11, 2018

    Hi Shirley! I think it looks really nice! Nice baseboards and moldings will help you find your comfort zone with it. If you really don't like it, go with your gut, and take a sample of the carpet with you to see how they coordinate. Sample paint on the wall before committing.

  • Shore grandmom Shore grandmom on Oct 11, 2018

    I agree with you, I don't think it goes very well. Go to a paint store and get a bunch of different color cards. Tape them on the wall and go into the room at different times of day and with different kinds of weather. Remove them until you have a few you like. Then get sample pints and paint them on the wall. And do the same thing again until you have the one. That's a big room to have to keep repainting this way you make sure it goes before all of that work. This may help you decide.

  • Kelly-n-Tony Kelly-n-Tony on Oct 11, 2018

    These peel paint samples are rather cool-

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Oct 11, 2018

    Hi Shirley,

    That's a good sized room!

    Shore grandmom makes a good point, use the paint cards and a variety of lights, natural and artificial over a series of days to narrow down your selection. Then opt for the sample size paints. Keep your furniture in mind too.

    If you take a sample of carpet to match with the paint at the store, you'll see how it will go with the paint selection in the store's lighting and not your own.

  • Bonnie Bonnie on Oct 12, 2018

    Is the new paint the lighter one or the darker one? I think the lighter one looks great.

    • Bonnie Bonnie on Oct 12, 2018

      Just wanted to's never a good idea to judge a paint color by looking at it on a computer screen, so be careful of taking our advice! Like Cynthia said, go with your gut.

  • Pap32029500 Pap32029500 on Oct 12, 2018

    Use a medium to dark grey ?

  • Nan W. Nan W. on Oct 12, 2018

    The simple answer is: always go with a neutral! Tape sample strips to the walls... a couple of walls... as light will "change" the colors. I look at them in the morning, afternoon and evening... Then: I start untaping those colors I don't like... you can easily narrow down choices this way.

  • Michelle Michelle on Oct 17, 2018

    Too matchy, go to the paint store and get samples. I like Sherwin Williams their paint swatches tell you on the back 3 different colors that will match or use with the paint

  • Shirley Shirley on Oct 17, 2018

    Well we decided to change/repaint the room using linen white from Benjamin Moore. Def like it better! Thanks for everyones advice!

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