Why are palm tips browning?

by Brenda

Why are the tips of my Palm going brown

  4 answers
  • Robin Baker Robin Baker on Oct 17, 2018

    Indoor, or outside? Easy indoor solution is to take scissors and trim brown away then gently work around base of palms punching holes in soil to aireate and give roots breathing room. Use a fertilizer specifically for your palms and don't over or under water them. Have they been recently transferred to a different window, or location. Watch for signs of stress or any parasites as mites, aphids, fly eggs, on the underside of palm foliage then treat with specified spray. Good luck.

  • Chloe Crabtree Chloe Crabtree on Jun 01, 2024

    Many indoor plants that have the tips turn brown do so because of the chemicals in the water. Try using distilled water to see if that works.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jun 01, 2024

    Do buy a House Plant Book or ask for one as a Birthday gift etc. All the information will be inside. and it doesn't have to be expensive - try looking in a Thrift Store!