How do I repurpose empty glass bottles?

Diana kinnamon
by Diana kinnamon
  5 answers
  • Peggy L Burnette Peggy L Burnette on Nov 08, 2018
    Hi Diana, here are some cute ideas for repurposing glass bottles, hope they inspire you. 10 DIY projects that reuse your old glass bottles | MNN - Mother ...
    1. › Lifestyle › Arts & Culture Cached
    Feb 17, 2016 - 10 DIY projects that reuse your old glass bottles. Flower vase centerpiece. Used soda bottles gain new life in this rustic centerpiece. ( Colorful bottle chandelier. Light up your room by reusing old wine bottles. ( Painted flower vases. Bottle tree. Tiki torch bottles. Rainbow wine bottle lanterns. Candles in cut wine ...
  • Nan W. Nan W. on Nov 08, 2018

    Diana: Here are some great ideas... HAVE FUN![]=glass%7Cautocomplete%7C2&term_meta[]=bottles%7Cautocomplete%7C2&term_meta[]=crafts%7Cautocomplete%7C2

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Nov 08, 2018

    I use some of them to slow water my plants.

    There are so many projects that are cool on here:

  • MEG MEG on Nov 09, 2018

    I always recycle/reuse glass bottles of all kinds. Some of the liquor bottles are to pretty to discard. You can decoupage them, bejewel them with glass gems, paint them, personalize them etc. Go on Pinterest to get ideas. Use them as vases or candle holders or bathroom glass decanters to hold cotton balls/q-tips etc. as well. Thousands of ideas to reuse them.

  • Sal3170064 Sal3170064 on Nov 13, 2018

    Turn them into decorative bottles. You can either glass paint them, or cover with wrapping tissue using PVA glue. When dried you can paint onto them. Then add battery powered cork lights or candles if safe to do so.