What to do with this footed tree branch?

Colleen Greene
by Colleen Greene
I have been saving this part of my old tree because it's such an interesting shape at the base with the gnarled "foot." The top part is not completely level, because when it was originally cut, it was intended as fire wood. Any ideas?
  13 answers
  • Lori Lori on Jul 08, 2014
    how about a planter? cut some of the middle out(make a hole) then you can put in some moss dirt and a pretty little plant.??
  • Luis Luis on Jul 08, 2014
    Use it as a shelf, put a hook on the back and hang it on the wall with a nice potted plant on it
  • AmericanWoman AmericanWoman on Jul 08, 2014
    You could even out the top surface of the log, making it flat. Then add a circular or square piece (doesn't have to be made of wood) to the top and you have a table.
  • Carole Carole on Jul 08, 2014
    Have fun figuring out what to do with it, I would say it belongs in the garden, perhaps as a base for a bird bath? Or a side table with a seating arrangement. Just be careful that you are not bringing termites or anything that you don't want into the house. Very costly to get your house treated for termite damage and such. Good luck!
  • Becky Wood Becky Wood on Jul 09, 2014
    Many things! Can't tell how large it is..side table, plant stand, planter, stool, table base ...let your imagination run wild! Some pics for ideas
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    • Becky Wood Becky Wood on Jul 14, 2014
      @Colleen Greene It looks fairly level already so you might not have to do anything. Depends on what you want to do. But just to level it you would need a saw and a level. You might want to sand the top smooth so there are no saw marks or rough areas. 1 and 5 might only require a "shim" to level enough to place the top on.
  • Moxie Moxie on Jul 09, 2014
    Oh how cool it that! I have a few wood pieces I have kept...Yours looks like the perfect beginning of a fairy garden to me...
  • 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) on Jul 09, 2014
    a knome home
  • Pauline Hussey Pauline Hussey on Jul 13, 2014
  • Pat Mountfort Pat Mountfort on Jul 13, 2014
    umbrella stand
  • Francine C Francine C on Jul 13, 2014
    I agree with Pat M. and Donna D. A gnome home or fairy house. You could carve out a stair case from the bottom and curve up to the top of the stump and drill in places to put fake foliage and bushes. Glue pebbles on the stairs and put some wee people on them. Put a roof over the gnarled foot and either paint a door or make a door for them to get out and climb. At the top make a garden sanctuary or a little village. If you lived near me I would love to help. Looks like a fun project. :D
  • Linda Griffin Linda Griffin on Jul 13, 2014
    Broken china...mosaic or such glued to the top for a table or seat to be used outside.
  • Colleen Greene Colleen Greene on Jul 14, 2014
    Thanks Pat and everyone else. I guess I should clarify my question. What can I do WITHOUT using any power tools???
  • Adrianne C Adrianne C on Jul 15, 2014
    Have your local glass guy cut and mount a piece of glass to it! They use stand offs so leveling the top won't matter much.