How do I arrange my livingroom?

by Terra

Have a large living area with rock fireplace on one end and tv at the opposite end. As I have it now it feels like two different spaces but love to sit by fireplace trying to merge both focal points Bc I hate that you either get one or the other. Help plz.

  8 answers
  • Kelli L. Milligan Kelli L. Milligan on Dec 14, 2018

    Move tv on a side wall next to fireplace, then set up your room. At the other end add bookcases and a seating area for a library setting.

  • Terra Terra on Dec 14, 2018

    The only thing is I have a seating area just off the living area also with another couch built in bookcase.

  • Terra Terra on Dec 14, 2018

    See what I mean

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  • Olena Beloous Olena Beloous on Dec 14, 2018

    Hi there. First of all the room is long. Why are you disliking two different spaces? I personally like the idea of arranging two chairs and a coffee table in front of your fireplace for reading or just enjoying warmth from the fireplace. Then the other side of the room could be used just for watching TV or games. On the other hand, I get a feeling that this couch is too long for the space. It may be because of the corner that is almost in the middle of the room. If the corner of the couch was near the window, the couch would look more open.

  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Dec 14, 2018

    Maybe put the "V" pointed part of couch by window where the plants are or towards opposite wall by fishing rods/gun safe either way would allow room to flow better not be so sectioned off,and you could see both ends of room from couch.

  • Dmholt4391 Dmholt4391 on Dec 14, 2018

    Putting that long part against a wall will be a good start. - or move the whole thing to a corner where both parts are against a wall.

  • Conscientious crafter Conscientious crafter on Dec 16, 2018

    Don't buy sectional sofas.

    They are ugly and limiting

    • Dora Dora on Dec 16, 2018

      I be been wanting one. So are they outdated?

  • Dee Dee on Dec 16, 2018

    Can you split up the sectional? Put part facing the fireplace, and the TV on the short wall. then setup a sitting area in the other part.