How can I use these four tree trunks?

Melissa Wedel
by Melissa Wedel

Hi!So I have these 4 tree trunks in my garden/patio but I'm not sure what to do with them? What would you do?(I put a brick next to them so you can see the size) Thank you!

Part of patio

Part of patio

Don't mind the uneven bricks/pavers...that will get fixed :-)

I just moved the bbq grill over to that corner not sure what I think...

Part of patio

Love this corner. Candles, frames, carpet, cute table and chairs

Close up

  10 answers
  • Cindy Cindy on Dec 16, 2018

    Hi Melissa. I'm Cindy. I recommend that you begin by leveling your tree stumps. Then take the stakes off of three solar lights and attach the lights to the tops of the stumps. You could even attach the stumps together with rope. I love your patio area with all the picture frames. It's very creative. Good luck Melissa and Happy Holidays.

  • Plant stands! Use them to elevate some of your special plants. Place a lantern on them, just hang on to them, as they can be used for something. You could drill holes in them and install solar lights. Place a garden statue on them. You yard is really cute!

    • See 2 previous
    • Hi Melissa! Wow voice to text, very cool! Yay, free sod, that's the best! There is a little prep that goes into it, but not that much. You can whip this out easily in an afternoon. Here is a site which provides step by step instructions.

      Don't be frightenened, it looks more complicated than it really is. If you prep the area well your sod will take hold quickly and you will have a nice patch of lawn for very little effort.

      Keep us posted on how this turned out for You! Happy Holidays! 🎄🐧🍭

  • Maybe something like this planter.

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  • Sal3170064 Sal3170064 on Dec 16, 2018

    I would rub the tops with sand paper, then paint it a bright colour. These could become little drink tables.

    Another idea is to mosaic the tops.

    Another you could hollow out and add a pot or soil for succulents.

    Or drill holes throughout turn on its side and turn into a bug hotel.

  • Jerry roselli Jerry roselli on Dec 16, 2018

    Make a fire pit in your backyard, & use these as seats. (use a pillow if necessary, & roast hot dogs!

  • Baxter Baxter on Dec 16, 2018

    Here's some ideas... Good luck!

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    • Witchine Witchine on Dec 17, 2018

      We had a cool old tree trunk that we turned on its side and put a clock on the top of it and routered it out. Then we put it on it's side as a permanent outdoor clock. My brother said it was the best gift he ever got. We varnished it and set clock far enough in that it didn't get weathered.

  • Stephenie Baxter Stephenie Baxter on Dec 16, 2018

    Tie together with rope. Make a multi level coffee table

  • Oberlinmom Oberlinmom on Dec 16, 2018

    You have so many interesting items that you could put on top of the logs. Changing levels of things. Your picture frames bring the eye up and around the fence. One of the white cages up on a log in a place where there are no frames would bring the eye up again. You could mix it in with the potted plants that have thinned out.

    If you use the logs make sure they are very dry and treat them with something to slow down rot. I'd put them on the pavers or a very thick layer of gravel. I placed logs like that in and and around our garden directly on mulch just for looks. It's been 4-5 years and they are almost gone, bugs and rot. I was amazed at how quickly a huge ash log started to decay while we were trying to decide what to do with it.

  • Terry Waggle Terry Waggle on Dec 16, 2018

    I use them to elevate items I have on display in my yard. I placed a twig "bird's nest" with a bird in the center on one and placed a garden gnome at the foot of it. They're a lot cheaper than buying a stone pedestal for bird baths, etc. on.