How do I make a wooden highchair for an autistic 7 year old?

by Don
  4 answers
  • Dianacirce70 Dianacirce70 on Dec 17, 2018

    Here are a couple of links that may help you

  • Gk Gk on Dec 17, 2018

    Do you want a high chair for the child to sit in? How secure does it have to be?

    • Don Don on Dec 17, 2018

      Hair chair for sitting at table to eat. Must be very secure. Severely autistic grandson is 7 yrs old & weighs 60+ pounds & is a flight risk, doesn't speak or respond.

  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Dec 17, 2018

    You definitely need to build the base bigger so it won't tip if he starts rocking heavily, adding 2x6 flat on bottoms as base to set legs on would help. Here's some plans of course you need lower to slide under table( better for not tipping) & adjust legs so chair is level,back higher to protect his neck & head. add some car seat belts or something the child cannot undo/get to, buckle in back of backrest & under seat. Don't forget to add some high density foam on seat and back for sensitivty to hard wood and protection from thrashing. Good luck

  • Gk Gk on Dec 17, 2018

    One thought I have on this is perhaps you could get a wheelchair that you are also able to add a tray too. Oftentimes you can purchase used wheelchairs for not much money. There are different sizes so you could look for a smaller one. There would be safety straps and you can lock the wheels. If he has meltdowns and thrashes about this might be more stable. It also might be a way to calm him without removing him from the chair because you could wheel him around. Even though he probably doesn't use a wheelchair it might be helpful to you to have one in place of a regular chair--adding a tray could also be a place to do some sensory activities and you wouldn't have to worry about him getting away. I have worked with autistic children for many years so I know your concerns. Bless your heart for trying to find things that work for your grandchild and understanding his needs.