How can I make a shade for this gun lamp?

Kate N
by Kate N

Help! My sweetie got this neat lil gun lamp for Christmas, I need to figure out what do do for a shade, either bought or diy. Ideas please!

  14 answers
  • Lifestyles Homes Lifestyles Homes on Dec 31, 2018

    How’s about an artilary shell inspired shade?

  • Take with you to buy a cheap shade that you can upcycle. Shop Goodwill, second hand shops and thrift stores.

  • Mom2K9 Mom2K9 on Dec 31, 2018

    My first thought was hot glue some ammunition (the same type the gun would use) on a plain barrel lampshade. More importantly, where did he get the lamp?

    • See 3 previous
    • Kate N Kate N on Jan 24, 2019

      My sweetie got it as a gift but I’m sure you can find it on Amazon. Love the idea of the ammo for shade, I did think of the the finial but this lamp doesn’t need that type of shade. I do have a squat barrel shaped shade I found thrifting and it works ( without a shade the light is pretty glaring) trying to figure out what I can do with the brass left from used ammo. I’ll probably try to hit up Pinterest, but it’s just an odd idea.

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Jan 01, 2019

    Hello Kate,

    I have a fishing pole lamp and I sprayed painted the shade the same color as the lamp. You might consider purchasing a store bought shade and spray painting it the same color tones. The matching colors imho make it look more like a composed sculpture.

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  • Godleymama Godleymama on Jan 01, 2019

    All the answers before mine are great! I've gotten many a lampshade at Goodwill! But I bought a stainless steel bucket at a garage sale one time, and it made a fun lampshade! Plus, you could punch all kinds of holes in it to look like the "lamp" had gone off!

  • Pam Walker Pam Walker on Jan 01, 2019

    BUY a regular flat (not rippled) lampshade either from the good will or the store. Glue some contact paper (any color or pattern you'd like) on it. Get some spent bullets & hot glue them onto the shade either randomly throughout or in a pattern. Hammer some tiny holes in some of the casings & run some fishing line thru the holes & hot glue them to the inside of the rim to make them dangle from the bottom edge like you would see crystals hanging down. Think that would look kinda neat.

  • Walter Bercarich Walter Bercarich on Jan 01, 2019

    The gun must go nicely with your decor. Get a matching lamp with an M4 rifle and use a WW2 helmet for a shade. Better yet use an M1 rifle or Springfield for an upright lamp.

  • David Gray David Gray on Jan 01, 2019

    Decoupage (not toooo bold or colorful, unless you would like them) targets to an old paper lampshade. Might not like the first one, but they're cheap enough to try a couple. Idea #2 Old reprints of gangster-associated or True Confessions articles or 30s-40s gangland movie banners.

  • Sewcrazy Sewcrazy on Jan 01, 2019

    my first thought was to re-cover an old lamp shade frame using paper practice targets. check the sporting goods department.

  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Jan 02, 2019


    I would cover this lamp in paper practice targets. You can buy these at WalMart at the best price.

    Look for a shade that fits this lamp. Since you don't have a "bell" on the lamp to hold a shade, you will have to find one that has the inverted fitting inside the lamp (see photo attached). This type of shade sits on the lamp before the bulb is screwed into the socket.

    You will probably want to take your lamp with you to make sure you get the right size shade. And if you can find a rectangle shaped shade, it will be easier to cover.

    A black shade with a white target with black circles and a red center would be adorable!

    Or get a white shade and it would be easy to draw just the circles of this target onto a shade.

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  • Find one at a thrift store and cover it in burlap.

  • Betsy Betsy on Dec 12, 2023

    Hi Kate: I'd buy one as I don't see any harp holders and it may need the type of shade that slips over and onto the bulb.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Dec 14, 2023

    You could redo the top of the stand with a wire bracket to put a shade on or put a clip-on shade that fits directly on the bulb.