How do I get rid of mold on vinyl siding on the house?

Judy francisco
by Judy francisco

  9 answers
  • BOB.D. BOB.D. on Dec 31, 2018

    You can rent a power washer ,and maybe buy mold remover for spray

  • Hi Judy,

    Here is tutorial I found about this.

  • Mad29883817 Mad29883817 on Jan 01, 2019

    Bleach and powerwasher

  • Chloe Crabtree Chloe Crabtree on Jan 01, 2019

    Use a pump up sprayer to wet the siding down with the diluted bleach/cleaning solution, working from bottom to top. Allow the bleach solution to remain on the siding for 10 minutes or so. Scrub the siding from bottom to top with a long handled, soft bristle brush.

  • Kmdreamer Kmdreamer on Jan 04, 2019

    Try Clorox cleanup

  • Oliva Oliva on Jan 05, 2019

    On an overcast day when no rain is predicted forvthe next 5 hours, spray well, using a garden sprayer and Wet n' Forget Outdoors liquid (available at Home Stores, Costco, etc.). It will take some months, but will get rid of mold.

    If your yard is excessively wet, you'll need to create better drainage, away from house. Install downspout extensions if needed to carry water 10' from your home. Check gutters to make sure they're clear.

    Installing copper or zinc at the peak of your roof should resolve algae build up, as well.

  • Huntress Huntress on Jan 05, 2019

    Remember if using bleach the plants around the run off area will be affected and possibly die. I use a product from Wal-Mart called crud cutter , apply with a sprayer, either tank sprayer or I use the one that attaches to the house. Let sit for required time. I have what we call a fireman nozzle, usually brass and the tip turns to narrow stream that is like a power washer. Always wash from top to bottom, no sun on part you r doing. Don't wash up so water goes under the siding, always top to bottom.

  • Chloe Crabtree Chloe Crabtree 5 days ago

    A vinyl siding cleaner with a cup of oxygen bleach and one gallon of water mixture makes it an environmentally-friendly option. This is helpful especially if you are maintaining a landscaping wherein it will clean the vinyl without damaging anything.

  • I’ve used Simple Clean with a scrub brush and a sprayer on my hose. A pressure washer can do a lot of damage so I’d avoid that.