How can I cover a glass door but still see outside?

by Christy
  3 answers
  • Carol Freihaut Carol Freihaut on Jan 12, 2019

    There are cling and adhesive films you can get on Amazon in various degrees of transparency. I would check them out first. You can also apply them in a pattern and leave bare spots.

  • Tinyshoes Tinyshoes on Jan 12, 2019

    Christy...There are some really nice clear contact paper...I used it in a bathroom and really like it.

  • Adele Kurtz Adele Kurtz on Jan 12, 2019

    As I was getting ready to answer this Q... I figured I might do a post on it. I just stippled a glass lighting for lighting using 50% glaze plus creamy white paint. You can also use frosted spray paint in a can. Depending on how much see through you want. Then I protect with a spray clearcoat. Will not last forever on a door -- depending on how much use. But you can scrape off and reapply, hopefully a a few years from now, if you like.

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