Asked on Jul 19, 2014

Color suggestions - exterior doors.

by Renee
Could you please suggest some colors to match our stark white vinyl siding and front door, and dark brown garage/side doors and aluminum shutters? Trying to add a wee bit of curb appeal to this 60s-style home. With budget constraints, I would like to only paint the doors for now. What would be complimentary to those two colors?
BTW, the photo looks deceiving as it's only pretty sunny like that about 3 months out of the year. Please keep in mind that this house is in the Seattle area. That might help with the color suggestions.
Thank you!
View from the curb.
The front door needs to pop.
60s design - what do you think of those 'stars'?
  65 answers
  • Moxie Moxie on Jul 20, 2014
    Browns and whites to me are really neutrals; so I think personal preference certainly would lead the decision here. I certainly think a color to make the door pop without being obnoxious would be a plus to curb appeal. If it were mine, I think I would go a softer taupe/grey/blue color to tie-in yet emphasize. Perhaps you can grab a color that is used in the interior to start the flow from the front door in?
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    • P.j. C P.j. C on Jul 20, 2014
      I'm not sure if you can camouflage the star design on the garage doors, or if that can be removed. If so, hardware to mimic carriage house doors isn't expensive (<$25 on Amazon, Home Depot, & eBay), plus there are online tutorials showing how to create faux garage door windows.
  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Jul 21, 2014
    I like the stars on the garage doors - adds a design element. I'd do the front door a nice shade of red/mulberry or a turquoise shade. Curb appeal - not expensive to curve your bed out from the far right and around to in front of the round bushes. Maybe lay some patio widen the entryway. Think I'd move the round bushes as they seem to enhance narrow entry to front. The front door seems to be blocked??
  • Joy Smith Joy Smith on Jul 21, 2014
    I would suggest a burnt goes well with the neutrals and does not clash harshly with the natural outdoor colors either.
  • Cori Warner Cori Warner on Jul 21, 2014
    How about a lighter turquoise, since you say you don't get the sun much? Or even a robin's egg blue. You might also consider replacing the decking wall on the front of the house with a railing to make it feel more open and welcoming, and some color in the beds.
  • Kathy Jones Kathy Jones on Jul 21, 2014
    I would do a yellow that picks up the color from the variegated plantings out front
  • 117135 117135 on Jul 23, 2014
    The color options are endless since you have a neutral color pallet. If you want golf, I would choose a turquoise or coral. Or if you want subtle you could pick a burgundy, deep red or burnt orange. There is an app called "front door paint" you take a picture of your front door, choose a paint color and it shows you how it looks. Colors are limited, but cool concept!
  • Cindy Cindy on Jul 23, 2014
    red door for good luck
  • Shirley Shirley on Jul 23, 2014
    I would paint the front door red and have a walk way of flagstone leading from the driveway across the front lawn and directly to the front door. Eliminate the garden next to the garage and move the clutter (grill, bench, toys) to another area. With both a fence and the absence of a walkway, this home says, "Not welcome". Take the stars off the garage doors and paint the doors the same color as the house. Flank the garage doors with some chunky lights. I agree with the suggestion of bringing the front garden out and having a focal tree (shadblow) on the corner of the house, about ten feet out.
    • Bonnie Bonnie on Jul 23, 2014
      @Shirley I agree with all you've said ...this sounds welcoming and eye appealing.
  • Jim L Jim L on Jul 23, 2014
    Nice looking house. First order of business would be to get rid of those little shutters at those BIG windows! They are not doing anything "positive" for your house. Next, get rid of that knee wall on the porch. Like Cori said, add a railing in its place...if one is needed at all...reroute your walk to curve around to the front door...put a bed in this new space where the bushes are now. If you must keep the house white, how about dark gray trim, dark gray garage doors (paint over the "stars if they cannot be removed", and add a bit of color with a yellow front door. Add more color with colorful bedding plants in your "new" bed.
  • Sharon T Sharon T on Jul 23, 2014
    i think it should be a lime green and as far as the stars are concerned, send them back into space.
  • Diane Diane on Jul 23, 2014
    Like Jim's suggestions, but since you don't have a lot of sunny days there, I would paint the door a shade of yellow. Please post a picture so we can see how your house turns out. I like your picket fence a lot.
  • Sharon Carson Dunham Sharon Carson Dunham on Jul 23, 2014
    I painted my door a dark coral and would definitely keep the windows! I live in an area that has a long winter with cloudy days and those windows are a lifesaver. I built this noise with as many windows as possible. Nothing like as much natural light as possible. And the dark coral would go with your brown. I'd highlight the stars with the coral, keeping the door a dark brown. Time and $ permitting, I too would get rid of the wall by the front door and open it up. More welcoming..
  • Smart Interiors Smart Interiors on Jul 23, 2014
    You need a bright spot to draw your eye to the front door and give your home personality. A bright red or bright burgundy would be classic. The paint finish should be a gloss. I would also consider painting the garage doors all white, but leave the trim color. It will update your home and make it look biggger.
  • Cathy B Cathy B on Jul 23, 2014
    I would paint it a shiny black, paint the garage doors white, with the stars white. I like keeping some of the original era. Accent with red flowers.
  • Karen Karen on Jul 23, 2014
    I think yellow would look and make it pop!
  • Julie Julie on Jul 23, 2014
    Have you ever seen the movie "Hello Dolly"? Dolly Levi wants to paint the shutters on her "future" husbands house Forest Green! I think that would work here. I have a very similar house style, I live in Minnesota also only 3 months of summer/sun here too. I did paint my front door RED and have never regretted it! I love it! It looks like your roof may be a shade of brown? So I really think the Forest Green would be beautiful on your shutters and garage doors, it would also make the white siding brighter. Try doing a red door or if you are unsure of that for now go Forest Green on the front door, that would be beautiful too! Good luck to you, I'm sure it will turn out wonderful
  • Jonna Jonna on Jul 23, 2014
    I am all for the whites right now..... shabby chic look :) I'd paint the garage doors, shutters, front door and even possibly the corners of the house and around windows in a light grey and leave the rest white! Would look so sharp and awesome!
  • Jonna Jonna on Jul 23, 2014
    Here are a few pic's of some ideas :) LOVE THIS LOOK!!!!
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  • Le' Le' on Jul 23, 2014
    I would paint the doors a deep, dark green to contrast with the white. I would add color with some large colored pots to the side of the garage (close to being under the window) I probably would put three (varying sizes) and very bright. You have a very neat house/yard.
  • Irish53 Irish53 on Jul 23, 2014
    I agree with Shirley. Red but I would paint the garage doors a matching color to balance it. Pavers going to the door.
  • Pam Bolton Pam Bolton on Jul 23, 2014
    I really like your house. I agree with Jim that the shutters are out of place beside the big windows. Without the shutters, the brown on the fascia reads with the roof. My suggestions are to find a color card that matches the bright white of your siding. Paint your garage door and the window surrounds one or two shades down (darker) than the bright white. Then the problem is whether to go warm, cool or neatral with the front door. My favorites would be periwinkle blue (cool) or coral (warm) or a soft butter yellow(warm). I would paint the door from the garage to the front porch to match the garage door. If possible, I would remove the stars from the garage doors. If not, just paint over them. Also I agree that the carriage door hardware would be a nice and inexpensive upgrade to the garage. Also consider removing the knee wall or painting it to match the house.
  • Elise Carow Elise Carow on Jul 23, 2014
    A bluish gray on white siding, a rose color on door, white on shutters to compliment the white fence, pain out the garage door the same as body for continuity and a linear look. Instant cottage look.
  • Tamara McMillan Tamara McMillan on Jul 23, 2014
    I feel the darker Orange color would be best for the door and go well with the dark brown. (Red would have worked with Black but not so well with Brown) Coral would be nice. Coral is a popular shade now as well.
  • Judy H Judy H on Jul 23, 2014
    I like the dark gray and the stars, but I think I would reverse it. Paint the front door a dark gray, paint the garage doors white, but keep the stars in dark gray. I don't mind the shutters at all. I think the entire front of the house could use de-cluttering.
  • Barbara Turner Barbara Turner on Jul 23, 2014
    Sunny yellow would be pretty and it would pop the shutters if they were in aqua!
  • GR GR on Jul 23, 2014
    I agree with Moxie and P,j.C taupes, greys and blues are classy combinations that you are less likely to get tired of but if you are the vibrant colour type then go for it! I do like the garage doors they add character, you could be preserving a bit of history too ;-)
  • Holly Bracy Holly Bracy on Jul 23, 2014
    First, when you do paint the garage doors, paint out those stars, meaning paint it all the same color so the stars fade. What about a deep burgundy or hunter green for the front door? As for the garage door colors, do you want to highlight them, if yes, then pain the same as front door. If you prefer that the garage doors are not so noticeable, then paint either the same color as siding or a coordinating neutral, like light taupe.
  • Jjaycee Jjaycee on Jul 23, 2014
    What exactly is that in front of the door? An old rug thrown over a railing perhaps? Do you seriously sit out front there and watch traffic go by. Number one thing to do is to get rid of the clutter so you can see the front door.
  • Melinda Columbus Melinda Columbus on Jul 23, 2014
    Keep the stars they are so retro Forget the common carriage look
  • Meliss Etner Meliss Etner on Jul 23, 2014
    I took a closer look at the house and personally I like the brown shutters. You can play with a color boost in many ways: The doors being first on the list, landscape around the front, porch and garage doors. Btw-I would change out those doors for safer modern option but one that suits the exterior style. Color options might include yellow-pairs well with brown, red-against the green grass their opposites on the color wheel and read perfect to the minds eye. Get swatches and play with variations. Just remember what you can't change-the color of that good condition roof. I would love to see the shutters in black with a yellow door myself. But several colors will pair well with brown. Get some color in that landscape and porch-it will go along way. Cute house btw!!!!!
  • Funnygirl Funnygirl on Jul 23, 2014
    New color suggestion-light mint green! I would paint the wood structure in front of the front door also.I really like the details on the garage doors.Before removing them I would paint the detail brown or oil rubbed bronze.Pretty house!
  • Angie W Angie W on Jul 23, 2014
    Hi honey....I would go with a dark orange color, like the picture.....and I would do my garage doors orange also....I know that sounds drastic, but I have seen just about all colors of garage doors, and they all look better than white....It would definitely make your house pop....If you don't like orange, turquoise garage doors and front door would be gorgeous....You can pull the colors together, if you do some kind of planters with colorful flowers/plants... On your front porch, I would remove the wood partition in front of the door....It takes away from the front door...I'd clean up the area , put things away that do not go on the porch, and add a few plants...It would be gorgeous with just a few updates...
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    • Meliss Etner Meliss Etner on Jul 25, 2014
      @Angie W Love the orange suggestion myself and still love the brown influence on this house. Great input and photos! I say this orange and brown is the new it!
  • Dana O'Neill Studer Dana O'Neill Studer on Jul 24, 2014
    Yes, what is that weathered wood item in front of the door and window? I have looked at it for a few minutes. Im with @ Angie W, go for some bold color. Orange or dark bittersweet would be pretty. Barn red, too. I love painted garage doors.
  • Bonnie Medearis Bonnie Medearis on Jul 24, 2014
    Staying in the confines of your request to only paint the doors, a bright color would add to the curb appeal tremendously. Given that the sun is not out much there a bright color woiuld be very cheery. And to coordinate with the brown and take into consideration the color of your roof here are a few suggestions. Lime green goes very well with the brown, so would the oranges or corals.Yellows and blues are pretty to. It all depends on what you want to go for in the long run. Do you want it to ultimately look more cottagey or more edgy, traditional? What is your personality? If at all in the budget painting the unfinished wooden piece white would make everything look more intentional not just as an after thought. Good luck and have fun with it. Remember it is only paint and doors are easy to paint over again if you don't like it You could always put up some colored construction paper to for a few days to see what you like best first.
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    • Judy H Judy H on Jul 26, 2014
      @Bonnie Medearis I'm not so big on the green and yellow, but I love that light aqua color on the right. Very pretty!
  • Linda Stroud Huggins Linda Stroud Huggins on Jul 24, 2014
    Is that dark brown shutters and roof? Go with taupe on house or close in color try several shades of color before painting, dark brown garage again if gutters and shutter are that color and yes pop the front door with a bright color. Think what is lacking is landscaping. Is that railing hiding the front door, remove or add color. Flower bed should go all across the front and side adding a sculpture in the flower bed, I have two white cranes about 3 ft. tall. suppose to bring good luck as is a red door. Our home is a light sand stone beige brick, trimmed out with dark brown shutters, metal roof, or some would call it sienna brown, a hint of red in the color, porch white would go with fence. Go for it and have fun selecting colors.
  • Nancy J Goldwire Nancy J Goldwire on Jul 24, 2014
    WOW! Lot's of ideas here. Since you "only" want to do the front door at this time, I am most in agreement with a orange-y red color. (Think ripe tomato.) Take a few more dollars & get rid of the décor on the garage doors! I think you'll be amazed at what this little change will make. (Later on, I'd lose those shutters, they overwhelm the house. Maybe just a wide wood trim around the windows would be sufficient.) Like your house.
  • Terra Gazelle Terra Gazelle on Jul 24, 2014
    I think with the colors of the house you might want to really have a pop of color. Front doors should be I would do red. A deep red..not like neon, but a deep old red.
  • Shirley Shirley on Jul 24, 2014
    You could cut out pieces of craft paper into the shape of your shutters, doors, and garage doors in various colors to "try them on" in the photo without the work of actually painting them
  • Jonna Jonna on Jul 24, 2014
    I still think a grey door p- the scabby chic is really coming back! And I agree with the ones that say paint the garage doors one solid color - I think grey, same as front door, shutters and possibly corners of house and window frame.... Make the stars fade out.... Also agree to get rid of the fence or rails or whatever it is in front of the door - if you want a railing there to make it look like a porch make the X shapes like in the picture below... Your home will be stunning and bright and the most elegant and different on the street!
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  • Jeani Jeani on Jul 24, 2014
    A creamy light yellow would be beautiful!
  • Charmaine Charmaine on Jul 25, 2014
    Power wash the garage door, use a wood stain GEL and paint the stars in a brushed nickel metallic paint, you can change the lights out in the same metal as well, do the same stain on shutters. Then paint the front door your absolute favorite color as bright as you want to go, just short of neon. The matching paint for all is kind of outdated. This is budget conscious and you can even paint the front to match the season :-)
  • Meliss Etner Meliss Etner on Jul 25, 2014
    Renee take notice of these cool color options! Wonder if there is a free site to upload you're house photos. If so try it out that way for sure. If anyone knows of a site like this please let me know as well! Going thru the same dilemma myself.
  • Jeani Jeani on Jul 26, 2014 I hope this helps! :)
  • Karyn Workman Karyn Workman on Jul 26, 2014
    Sage green house, tan trim, bricked door
  • Shananasanders Shananasanders on Jul 27, 2014
    Renee~ my very first inclination is towards a dark bluish grey,which would look classy with your current house colors. I do understand having only 3 months of sunshine, though, so would recommend a splash of color. What color do you find instantly cheers your heart on a dull day? I would go with That one. It has to represent You.
  • Paula Crook Paula Crook on Aug 01, 2014
    Considering your houses neutral colors this is where you can add your personality. What's your favorite pop of color? Go with that or choose a color that pops out at you when you first walk into your home or even a color that would match your flowers to tie it in. Hope this gave you some new options that you hadn't thought of. Good luck & if you don't like it the re-paint!
  • Le' Le' on Aug 03, 2014
    Be brave and go bold!!!
  • Jeani Jeani on Aug 03, 2014
    After looking again, I think burnt orange garage and front doors would be beautiful!
  • Renee Renee on Aug 04, 2014
    Oh my! Thank you everyone for your valuable input. Just got back from vacation with very limited online access so I haven't been able to jump in here until now. I will take some time to read your suggestions thoroughly and answers some of the questions posted. Much appreciative, Renee.
  • April Klorres April Klorres on Aug 05, 2014
    What about a robin egg blue for front door? Soft , suttle with a "POP".
  • Renee Renee on Aug 06, 2014
    Based on most of your suggestions, I did some 'quick & dirty' coloring using Photoshop. For some of you wondering what that brown decking in front of the front door, it's a bench. Behind it is storage and a walkway to the front door. It's height is about knee-high. I colored it white below so it blends with the rest of the siding. Onto the colors - the first batch is the front of the house....
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  • Renee Renee on Aug 06, 2014
    This second batch is a close-up of the garage door. They don't quite look natural but I figure they'll suffice. I think I'll keep the 'star' - adds character. Having it gone (4th photo) makes it look blah.
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  • Le' Le' on Aug 07, 2014
    Definitely the bottom left is just wrong.
  • Jeani Jeani on Aug 08, 2014
    I would like the burnt orange if it was a little darker and more of a brown orange.
  • Shananasanders Shananasanders on Aug 08, 2014
    I really like that burnt orange color, myself, but go with the color that You love best!
  • Pam Bolton Pam Bolton on Aug 08, 2014
    I, too, like the burnt orange on the front door but I worry that it would be TOO much on your garage doors. Your front door should be the star.
    • Renee Renee on Aug 08, 2014
      @Pam Bolton Thanks for clarifying that. I was actually thinking the same thing, but with previous posters saying they like the orange color I thought they meant for the garage doors too.
  • BusyBeeEmily BusyBeeEmily on Aug 09, 2014
    What about a pale aqua?
  • Joan McGregor Joan McGregor on Sep 09, 2014
    Renee if you haven't painted my idea would to paint all garage doors white like house and paint the door a beautiful olden oak colou. . .r
  • Lou Ann Newell Lou Ann Newell on Mar 30, 2016
    Whatever color you paint your doors maybe paint a couple of the flower pots a pretty color (same or contrasting) and maybe even the bench. The long bench (that you colored white in the photo shop I would paint white to match the house and the small one a color that sits in front. I think that it would bring some cheer to your home and with your rainey season some more cheer!! Update us since this has been two years ago!!
  • Ese8934807 Ese8934807 on Oct 15, 2016
    I think the orange will look really nice and make it pop, I think by the garage a growing vine will look nice one on each side an in the middle if not that three flower pots with colorful plants
  • Renee Renee on Apr 05, 2017

    Yes, yellow. Create your own sunshine

  • Tim Tim on Apr 10, 2017

    A pop of coral or terra cotta would look great. It's personal preference, but I'd paint the rain gutters white to make them disappear. Paint is cheap and easily changeable!

  • KatAych KatAych on Aug 23, 2017

    I just painted my front screen door this past weekend! My house is yellow with a brownish/reddish trim (I wanted raspberry, but let's not go there right now...) I painted the door Benjamin Moore Tropical Teal and we love it! You could go blue, red, yellow, orange - really any color. have fun with it!

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  • Elaine Elaine on Sep 04, 2017

    There are so many suggestions already that I feel my two cents is overkill BUT I love decor and just have to jump in. 🙂 First of all, you only asked for color suggestions and not reno advice so my question is: is your roof brown? For now, I'm assuming it is. Like a few others, I like the idea (for the front door) of a burnt orange or a muted duck egg blue/green or a yellow. (Please don't buy red or dark green!) If you can remove those stars from the garage doors, do so but if that's impossible, paint over them in the same color as the house. Paint the side garage door the same color as the large/main garage doors.

    All decorators will tell you to PLEASE paint garage doors the same color (or as close to!) the color of the house; whether it be brick or vinyl siding. A garage door should blend in visually. Why? Because the front door should always be your main focal point and that's where you want to place the attention. Have a good sized urn or planter at the front door with some color but also white flowers as white shows up well on dreary days and at dusk. Make sure the plant choices are substantial; not skimpy ... perhaps a palm in the center for height then Asparagus fern spilling over the sides.

    If you have room for a planter or two at the garage doors, great but make sure they all relate to each other in style, color AND plant choice. For example, don't mix gray concrete urns with terra-cotta clay ones - they are just too different.

    If there's room for a small chair at the front door, scout around at reuse places then paint it (exterior paint) the same color as your front door. This will draw attention to the door. I've had a painted wooden chair outside for 15 years now and it still looks freshly painted.

    Now, off subject ... as you only asked for color suggestions ... BUT if your budget allows, I'd open up the entire front yard!! What is that dark horizontal area at the front? Is it a half wall? Or is it a half wall plus a bench? I'd remove that then start a walkway half-way up your driveway (diagonally across the lawn) leading to the front door. You could plant miniature boxwood along each side or leave it all open. Be sure to make the walkway wide enough for TWO people to walk side by side. Again, that's what a designer would advise. If it's too narrow, it looks awful, too skimpy and certainly not welcoming. If you can afford flagstone, great or cobblestone would look nice too.

    Do you really need the white fence around the lawn? Perhaps you have small children and need it. I'd add shutters to that bare window on the garage (side) wall so it ties in with the other windows.

    I'd gradually invest in good landscaping too but this is a long enough Comment! Go on the website Houzz and type in "Landscape ideas for ranch houses - or bungalows" and you will see lots of inspiration.

    You have a nice house with good color options already in place - it just needs further tweaking here and there; you'll be very happy with the final results! Good luck!