How do I fix this yellow Italian formica dresser?

by Mama

Don't like this color at all. Need your great ideas!

  7 answers
  • Mama Mama on Jan 17, 2019

    What I do like is how much room there is inside the drawers. This was a hand me down.

  • Ken Erickson Ken Erickson on Jan 17, 2019

    Remove the drawers and hardware and then repaint with a good latex enamel. Re-install hardware and drawers.

  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on Jan 17, 2019

  • Janice Janice on Jan 17, 2019

    A quick change of appearance would be to find a stencil you like and stencil it with a color you love and just use the yellow as a background. Or, you can paint the entire piece which would involve a lot more work. Great project though for a makeover to make it into something you love rather than dislike.

  • Kelly Denoyer Russell Kelly Denoyer Russell on Jan 18, 2019

    Take drawers and knobs off. Clean surface of all dirt and grease. TSP is excellent if you have it. Sand complete surface with 150 grit sand paper. Make sure you get all edges. Do not skimp! Repair any dings. Vacuum or use a clean rag to remove all traces of sanding dust. With a paint roller, prime the Formica with a coat of bonding primer intended for glossy surfaces. Bonding primer tends to be thick, so for the smoothest application, a foam roller is best.Once it has fully dried, apply a second coat. Let the primer dry according to the manufacturer’s directions. Extra durable oil-based paints may make a better pick however you might be able to use a water base. Oil will be more durable and dry quicker. Make sure with all layers and coats they are thin. You are better off with an extra thin coat than going heavy. Stick with the foam rollers. Let paint cure. Honestly I’d leave the piece in the basement for at least a week. After all that work let that piece cure!

  • Muan Muan on Jan 19, 2019

    how to spruce up old kitchen counter tops, made of old formica, the type that burns if hot pots are placed on it, on a small budget?

  • Mama Mama on Jan 19, 2019