How can I color up this room without breaking the bank?

by Deb

It is an Arizona room in an old trailer

  7 answers
  • Nan W. Nan W. on Jan 20, 2019

    Deb: Paint!! The table and chairs would look amazing in white or cream. Then add colorful cushions. You may even want to paint the wall area under the window... with maybe a light, soft sage color. Get rid of the multi-colored fake flowers. Add another element of green in those vases... to tie in the outside and the fig trees you already have.

  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on Jan 20, 2019

    you could remove furniture and items you really don't need in there and rearrange the room so it feels larger - remove the blinds and use airy type curtains instead for privacy and still lets the light in and you could open and close them -

  • Kaycee Kaycee on Jan 20, 2019

    Accent rugs, throw pillows, go to a discount fabric store (or on the Internet) and buy sheer fabric to make simple curtains. Also, fresh flowers in solid colors in a vase always add beautiful color.

  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Jan 20, 2019

    Looks fine to me - cozy. I like the warm tones of the chair frames. Decide on what colour you want to brighten the look. You could recover the seat cushions which may not be too difficult to do. Look for ends of upholstery fabric which are cheaper. Keep your eyes peeled for a colourful area rug at the Thrift which has the same colour in it - maybe a stripe. I'd limit the colours in the artificials to 2 colours in similar tones to complement whatever colour you choose for the reupholstered seat cushion and mat - I think that would be more effective.

  • Doris Doris on Jan 20, 2019

    I had a room almost exactly like this when I owned property in Florida. It was a WRECK when I bought the place and seemed almost overwhelming to even start. But start I did!!

    First, I painted the ceiling and mobile home wall. The ceiling had water stains where it had leaked and it looked awful. I painted it a bright white. The side of the mobile home was then painted a nice grey. I then pulled down the blinds. I purchased rods and curtain panels (mostly white) from Ikea and just hemmed them to fit. Had the carpet steam-cleaned and then just spray-painted some wicker furniture white.

    Big Lots had some chair cushions in a nice bright red that looked perfect in the room to add color. All-in-all I doubt I spent 150 on the whole change...just took time and elbow grease! I've tried to add some before and after photos for you.

    Good luck in whatever direction you choose. The room has to work for you and how you want to use it!

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  • Catherine Deirdre Rodden Catherine Deirdre Rodden on Jan 23, 2019

    Paint the tables. Paint the chairs. Add a throw rug.

  • Janice Janice on Jul 24, 2021

    I would first decide if all the furniture is needed and used. If not, repurpose it to some other part of your home or to someone who would enjoy it. One thing I think would add interest is to ad some different levels (height) of the furniture pieces so the eye bounces around the room. Colorful throw cusions and a colorful accent rug would do a lot to add interest.