How can I finish redecorating this small bedroom for my grandson?

Angie Forster
by Angie Forster

I’m redecorating a small bedroom for my grandson. I made a mistake I bought a twin junior loft bed. He’s almost 48” and the bed is 50”. I also bought a desk ad chair for under the bed. Can I use bed risers. If not what can I do? Another loft bed is too tall he would hit the ceiling. Also I want help for storage for space. See photo.

The new bed is going on the right of the window

  5 answers
  • Landsharkinnc Landsharkinnc on Jan 21, 2019

    can you return the one you purchased for a larger size? If will this be a permanent arrangement - I'd get a twin roll away - that way he can use the majority of the room for studying, etc -- nearly all beds are about 75" ...

    Attractive bins/boxes will work for storage and bins that can be stacked are great space savers.

    • Angie Forster Angie Forster on Jan 21, 2019

      We checked on normal loft beds. 72”. My ceiling is low. I have a few bins I’m planning on using. I have looked on Pinterest for a few ideas. Thank you so much.

  • Judy Judy on Jan 21, 2019

    What an adorable room!

    Bed risers are only 4-5” tall. If your handy you could make a raised bed that only goes up half way instead of like a bunk bed height.

    Can the desk and chair go on the wall of the tv?

    Or under or left of the window?

    I would play play around with where it can go. The rooms seems plenty big enough for a desk on one of the walls.

    Risers would give under the bed storage.

    Shelving up the wall helps too.

    Go up the wall if you can’t go out further with storage.

    See through plastic bins even shoe box size wil help to see the items.

    If you want to hide the closet as it looks like there is no door, simply hang a tension rod with a curtain or sheet because they have the hem like a pocket and cheaper than curtains.

    Super cute room. Good luck!

    • Angie Forster Angie Forster on Jan 21, 2019

      There is a door. It’s just easier for him to get his clothes. I’m def going to play around on different things after it’s painted. Thank you you have given me lots of ideas

  • I would paint, which you are. Keep the bed where it is (location) navy bedspread, lots of red and white pillows, including floor pillows, side swag white sheers to the right with a nautical tieback, like an anchor or roping. Leave the closet as is if it is easier for him. Change the cabinet under the tv to a corner desk and chair..... mostly cosmetic, and yes, definitely bed risers with pullout shoebins for toys and books. Lots of white, then red white and blue.

  • Randal Randal on Jan 22, 2019

    If you are looking to take advantage of the space. I would build a wall of shelves, which incorporate the place for the t.v,, perhaps a fold down desk top, or even slide out. Then I would build the bed up off the ground with about a four foot rise, making a few steps in a ladder to reach it, and build the storage under it as well. But if you just draw out some ideas on paper it stays in mind, and also you can work from them more easily then from mind alone, instead of trying to remember everything. I hope this helps and good luck, and if you do decide to build the bed off the ground, do so safely.

  • Bijous Bijous on Jan 22, 2019

    Hi. Okay, I looked at one jr loft that had a roll-away desk -- nice idea but unless this is used by an adult, a kid will not push the desk back and forth. Besides, from the pix, everything would have to be removed to push the desk under. Not practical. So --

    put the bed flat up against the wall where the tv is.

    put the desk under the window.

    use under bed for shelves. You can make them out of cinderblock and 2x8's. Use to store baskets of stuff. This will give him room and storage.

    paint room light blue; nice color and males are drawn to blue.

    opinion: tv not in room. Happy decorating.

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