How can I class up this space?

This is the front entrance to my home. Stays pretty dark and cool. Any ideas what I can do to class it up? Plants? Metal decor? I need help! Thanks,Tammy

  10 answers
  • Cheryl Cheryl on Jan 28, 2019

    Dear Tammy, From the looks of your downspouts, the water drains onto your walkway ? I'd get some flexible downspouts to divert water to better places away from the house. Or put an attractive rain barrel under each one.

    Plant ideas : for spring , tons of bulbs - freesias, hyacinth, tulips, what succeeds in your area

    All year, FERNS, hostas, to fill in. Horsetail ferns love dark cool homes. They can grow up to 5 feet. Elephant ear bulbs will add height and large leaf drama.

    I see some red brick...maybe blend in some large size pots in that color -. If you have solid walls along the walk, you could find a great piece of metal art or a real or fake wall fountain, concrete statue or birdbath to enjoy when you pass through.

  • Tammy Dawn Clark Tammy Dawn Clark on Jan 28, 2019

    Thanks so much! Will try!

  • Eileen Eileen on Jan 28, 2019

    Also, if you pressure wash your side walk, it will look brand new. We just did ours and I was amazed!! :)

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Jan 28, 2019

    Piggy back off the above with red brick. What about adding red brick edging stones like these.

    Also, consider using "wet & forget outdoor" to get rid of and keep away the dark color of the concrete.

    Gazing ball on concrete base.

    I would stay away from metal since you say it stays damp since it will rust more easily.

  • Dee Simmons Dee Simmons on Jan 29, 2019

    The first thing you need to do is change the downspouts to something you can divert away from the walkway. I would recommend planting something like boxwood and then plant some bulbs for color interest throughout the year. I would then add small white stone instead of mulch as it will brighten the area up. Add a colorful welcome mat and two coordinating medium size planters flanking the walkway and plant something suited to your area. You can all your local extension service and they will tell you the best plants suited for your area.

  • Dorothy Dorothy on Jan 29, 2019

    definitely reroute the down spouts. Pressure wash stoop and sidewalk then. I would Paint as well with either a gray color and seal it so it always looks fresh and clean. Take a pic with your phone and go to Home Depot to ask paint department

    for best primer, paint color, and sealer you won't regret it. Then plants to break up the brick with different heights. Or as one woman suggested some metal art or a trellis with clematis, or sweet pea, something that will climb.

  • Oberlinmom Oberlinmom on Jan 29, 2019

    I agree you can power wash the walk and it will brighten up. The downspouts need to be redirected away and while doing that you can keep the pipes close to the house.

    I'd be leery of planting anything that needs a lot of light to grow well. Keep in mind any shrub you purchase will grow. If you put in a hedge type like box wood it will need constant pruning. Eventually their trunks/roots will over grow that space. By the way I can't stand the smell of boxwood. Another thought would be to take a sniff ( it will be worth it) of what ever you plant near your home. We have/had beautiful huge evergreen shrubs that in the summer smell very much like cat urine. A couple were under our bedroom windows.

    To give your self a variety of heights I'd use planters, tall and short. If you can find stands you like you can make then higher. This way if you don't get much sun you can switch out plants that don't do well easily. There are lots of shade loving plants that would do very well there. Hostas, Ferns, several blooming plants as well. Keep in mind that if you raise the dirt level above the walk it may wash on to the walk when you water.

    I'd even look into out door wall art. Something that brings your eye up higher.

    Of course there are plenty of things that could work in that area, rocks and gravel. A water feature like a small fountain. It all has to do with what you like.

  • Debi53 Debi53 on Jan 29, 2019

    So many good ideas. I agree with so many of the suggestions. Kill the grass and plant shade loving plants that are appropriate for your area-perhaps hostas or heucheras . Talk to a local nursery and choose easy care, low growing plants that will do well where you live. Then mulch the beds to give a finished look. Clean your concrete like others have suggested. You can also buy solid masonry stain to change the color of your porch and sidewalk. Invest in two really lovely large pots for the corners of your porch--consider metal instead of ceramic--and plant with, if possible, evergreens that are shade loving for your area. Put out a larger colorful doormat. If you don't use metal pots, pull a color from your rug for colorful pots beside your door. Definitely deal with the downspouts. You can have a beautiful area that is the envy of your neighbors:)

  • Krafty Mrs.K Krafty Mrs.K on Jan 29, 2019

    When we bought our house with a similar entry but over grown with shrubs, I replaced them with flag stones for a sort of patio and a small bench. I grow Ajuga, Alyssum, Pansies and Impatiens between the stones. Japanese painted ferns are next to the walls and are perennial that take shade like the Ajuga.

    It kind of expands our tiny porch and entry walk area but adds some garden. I rotate the seasonal annuals between the rocks and in a couple of glazed ceramic planters on either side of the door. Use what grows best in your area.

    The downspouts could drain into a bed of river rocks or pebbles to divert the water from the house and sidewalk. Be sure not to build up rocks or planting beds above the start of the brick because it will cause water to flood into the house.

  • Tommy Tommy on Jan 29, 2019

    Hey there i would get on top of roof turn bacck the othe way ig not dig a ditch and go back the other way be glad to help. You.

    Tommy madison nc