Does anyone know what this flower is?

Christy M
by Christy M
Does anyone know what this flower is? It was the last one left at my favorite nursery. They told me the name and I immediately forgot!
  88 answers
  • Teresa D Teresa D on Jun 19, 2012
    It's name should bo Gorgeous! lol I don't know but it's very pretty!
  • Christy M Christy M on Jun 19, 2012
    lol Teresa! I love it- I would have bought every one they had if they'd had more!!!! not sure where to put it or what to do with it but I LOVE it!
  • Melissa K Melissa K on Jun 19, 2012
    I think this flower is absolutely beautiful. Can see a full basket of these!
  • Teresa D Teresa D on Jun 19, 2012
    Wait ... so is Datura the same as Brugmansia? Or Angel Trumpet? They are really pretty plants. One the tree-like ones, the flowers hand upside down. I had read that they were poisonous for pets and that teens were getting high off them so some places were not selling them anymore? Not sure how long ago I read that.
  • Sharron W Sharron W on Jun 20, 2012
    They come in plain white too and they are indeed beautiful plants...
  • 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) on Jun 20, 2012
    Sort of Teresa, the Daturas are often called 'Devils Trumpet'. It is very confusing, as I understand it though one of them used to be a subspecies of the other, but botonist naming people decided they are different and so now they are considered different (Brugmansia is tree like with woody growth, Datura is lower to the ground with no woody growth ) but both are in the family Solanaceae. There, clear as mud eh? Just don't ingest either one or you will see the devil's trumpet. :)
  • Shirley B Shirley B on Jun 20, 2012
    It's a double trumpet at that. The plant has the scent of peanut butter. They typically freeze in the winter, but once trimmed back will grow beautiful again. Mine reached 7' in one year. I've heard they may be poisonous to some animals. They also come in colors like yellow and a light orange. My purple even turned albino last year. Enjoy!
  • Custom Interiors Custom Interiors on Jun 20, 2012
    It will have seedpods that when left to dry and collect can be shared with many!! Very easy to grow. Daturas grow with their faces up and Brugmansia with faces down. The scent comes at evening and it is heavenly.
  • Christy M Christy M on Jun 20, 2012
    this is great info folx! thanks so much!!!!! another question for you... should I keep it in a pot or plant in the ground? I have a part shade area (only gets sun from about 2-7). Can I plant it there? In north ga will it come back possibly if I plant it in the garden or could it over winter indoors? We have pets and kids so I like the idea of planting it at the back of the garden where we can love it from arms length.
  • Shirley B Shirley B on Jun 20, 2012
    It grows much better and larger (like a shrub) in the soil but will tolerate a pot. It will come back in the springtime if you cut it back (as it tends to kill the visible plant). The seed pods will open and distribute seeds everywhere near the plant. To prevent seedlings, you might want to cut the "green" pods off before they take over your flower garden. Save some of the dry seeds in a small container just in case your freeze is untolerable for the next year. They're easy to grow.
  • Susan S Susan S on Jun 20, 2012
    OK - Who wants to start a seed-sharing club??? Christy if this does produce seed pods would you be willing to share? If you don't want the seeds to drop all over the place put a large garbage bag or piece of plastic under your pot. Don't cut the pods off before they mature cause the seeds will not be developed enought to germinate! Are you willing to "participate" - I really gotta have me some of this!! lol To me, it would be much more meaningful coming from a HT friend than just going out & buying a plant!! Please please please???? ;~)
  • Priscilla E Priscilla E on Jun 20, 2012
    I would love some seeds. I have purple cone flowers that I will share when the flowers are done. I have sedum but can not mail.
  • Curtis P Curtis P on Jun 20, 2012
  • Christy M Christy M on Jun 20, 2012
    I would seed and/or cutting share~! There's a lady in my area who has a lace hydrangea I'd love to get a cutting from! Okay Hometalk people- l am going to find out what it would take to start a seed/cutting share topic.
  • Alice G Alice G on Jun 20, 2012
    Looks like a Gloxinia
  • Susan S Susan S on Jun 21, 2012
    @Alice G - that's what came to mind when I first saw it. Dunno though. Looks like Curtis P. thinks the same thing!!
  • Lou B Lou B on Jun 21, 2012
    CI was right it is a Datura, part of the Angel trumpet family, all parts of this plant are deadly..keep away from pets. It has very prickley seed pods..seeds are inside..let pod dry on plant...remove, break open and share seeds, replant.
  • Marg C Marg C on Jun 21, 2012
    love this! I wanna share seeds too! This is a wonderful idea Susan!
  • Alice G Alice G on Jun 21, 2012
    I have a datura in my garden aka angel trumpet, My blooms grow down not up
    comment photo
  • Teresa D Teresa D on Jun 21, 2012
    I'll keep an eye out for the seed/cutting sharing post!
  • Susan S Susan S on Jun 21, 2012
    Alice, your trumpet plant is breathtaking. Does it have a "heavenly" fragrance as well? You should post this by itself so EVERYONE can see!! BTW - is the same as "Gabriel's Trumpet"??
  • Sharron W Sharron W on Jun 22, 2012
    @Alice Wow how tall are those they seem really TALL, my Brother in law grows this every year and really enjoys how it sort of "glows" in the dark, (they live in the country and no street lights) so even though it doesn't actually "glow" it takes very little light to cause it to just shine in the darkness, I guess I need to ask for some seeds...
  • Carol G Carol G on Jun 29, 2012
    I have several of these in yellow and white also they are called double ballerina angel trumpets or daturas. if in a pot they only get about 2 ft tall but planted in the ground they get 6 ft tall..they are very beautiful.
  • Susan S Susan S on Jun 29, 2012
    @Carol G - WOW! Six feet tall - No shrinking violets are these guys!!! It's amazing how much better everything does when you can put it's feet in outdoor soil where it has room to really spread out! Since you're in LA. I guess you can leave it out all year long???
  • Sharron W Sharron W on Jun 30, 2012
    @ Susan, good in TN it dies off in the winter....but comes back the following spring....
  • Custom Interiors Custom Interiors on Jun 30, 2012
    Both of these plants are in the same plant family, the same one that contains morning glorys as well. It is considered an annual and chances are after creating a 4' to 8' bush it will be touched by the cold and have to be cut back if not trimmed severely. Here in Texas where ours are grown in the ground we just let them die off to the degree they have been affected and wait for new growth before we actually cut back. Very hardy and huge for an annual in this plant family!! Roots by cuttings extremely well. I have done it in dirt and water. I have all colors available and though they are considered poisonous, none of my animals were ever drawn to them as a plant. From dogs, cats, racoon pet and numerous horses who grazed my flower garden area.
  • Carol G Carol G on Jun 30, 2012
    Alice, the difference is that hers are the ballerina and yours are not..her's are double...they are both beautiful...I prefer the double yellow...
  • Carol G Carol G on Jun 30, 2012
    oh and by the way the purple angel trumpet does not have the prickley seed pods as do the other colors..the purple have the same type seed pod only it is smooth. I have about 50 seed pods from last year..
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Jun 30, 2012
    I would love to have some seeds also. I had Datura a few years ago, they come up later than most of my perennials, they also have "tubers"? Is that an accurate call?Anyway big sweet potato looking roots. I loved them, this one is gorgeous and i havent seen one like it. Mine didnt come up the last few years,I guess I must have gotten all the roots out. Dont know.. Put me on your list? Please?
  • Marg C Marg C on Jun 30, 2012
    every time I come back to this post I gawk at this flower! I would so love to have some in my yard. They are certainly my kind of flower '')
  • Custom Interiors Custom Interiors on Jul 01, 2012
    If anyone is skilled enough and has time I would be glad to provide to a seed swap site. Hit me up if it happens!
  • Sharron W Sharron W on Jul 01, 2012
    @ Carol G. My Brother in law on has the white, I never knew these came in any other color besides white, they are really just fabulous!
  • Carol G Carol G on Jul 02, 2012
    Sharron W. , Marge C. and Bernice they come in yellow, white and purple. if I can find my bucket of seeds I will have you e-mail me your address and will send you some seeds
  • Marg C Marg C on Jul 02, 2012
    Thank you so much Carol....I really love the purple :)
  • Marg C Marg C on Jul 02, 2012
    I'm super excited! hehehe
  • Sharron W Sharron W on Jul 03, 2012
    WOW Carol that would be AWESOME! Probably too late in the summer for me to grow them this year though...What is the germination to flowering you have a general idea? It doesn't really matter cause if you send me seeds and I can't get them this year I definately will be planting them next spring....I'm working on a plan for a greenhouse Box seed starting frame that should give me a heads up on next year...LOL
  • Carol G Carol G on Jul 03, 2012
    I would say about 2 months but you would have them for next year. I was looking for a pic of the yellow one but someone is suppossed to come work on my puter and now cant find my pic
  • Susan S Susan S on Jul 07, 2012
    OH OH!! The ole 'puter gremlins are at it again!! Doncha just HATE when that happens??? LOL
  • Marg C Marg C on Jul 22, 2012
    Carol....have you found your bucket of seeds? I don't want to pester you ;) I also hope your computer is fixed :) I absolutely hate it when that happens!
  • Carol G Carol G on Jul 23, 2012
    Marg now my computer is fried..Had a bad thunder storm and lightning hit and fried my pc. and yes I did find all my seeds...send address and I will mail you some seeds...I have single and double white and yellow and purple..I also have texas star seeds if anyone is interested.
  • Susan S Susan S on Jul 23, 2012
    Carol, we all have to be following each other in order to send you our respective email addresses - FYI.
  • Marg C Marg C on Jul 23, 2012
    my goodness, I didn't even realize that I wasn't following you Carol! well now I am! hehe Thanks Susan! you're so smart! :) hmmm, let's START that seed swap!! how do we go about it? Do you want to do it all by email/messaging? We can start a post specifically for seed swapping and we'll just add our names...then we would follow thru on offers and requests via email. So....the POST would just be just your NAME followed by what you will OFFER or REQUEST...The rest would be transmiited thru email so the post wouldn't get too large? How does that sound to you all? I'm very excited about it!
  • Marg C Marg C on Jul 23, 2012
    oh and p.s. Carol, I adore all the doubles. I would like a some of each...especially the purple (1st) and the yellow (2nd) ok, oh my goodness!!! I just looked up the Texas Starflower and have fallen in love all over again! I must have this as well LOL thank you so much for your generosity're very sweet! I will email you my mailing address and I would like yours because I want to send you money for postage.
  • Carol G Carol G on Jul 24, 2012
    Marg and Susan do you have my e-mail? your address to me.
  • Marg C Marg C on Jul 24, 2012
    shall do.
  • Susan S Susan S on Jul 24, 2012
    DITTO!! ok, just sent you an email w/my address!!
  • Custom Interiors Custom Interiors on Jul 25, 2012
    Have seed for double yellow as well as white moonflowers.
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Jul 25, 2012
    Christy..I would love some of these seeds also. Are you sharing yet?
  • Sharron W Sharron W on Jul 25, 2012
    I just sent you my address Thanks SO MUCH! I can't wait to get to try these beautiful flowers!
  • Teresa D Teresa D on Jul 29, 2012
    Hey! Did I miss out on the seeds? *pout I thought it was going to be in a different post. Custom Interiors, are you saying you have seeds to share? If so, I'd like some, please.
  • Brenda Brenda on Jun 16, 2015
    Angel trumpet lily
  • Lud3114280 Lud3114280 on Nov 27, 2015
    Añadir a este post ...
  • Lud3114280 Lud3114280 on Nov 27, 2015
    es un floripondio..
  • Carol G Carol G on Nov 27, 2015
    double purple angel trumpet
  • Patricia Deal Degraeve Patricia Deal Degraeve on Mar 20, 2016
    Moon flower i think
  • Patricia Deal Degraeve Patricia Deal Degraeve on Mar 20, 2016
    moon you have any the seeds??
  • Christy M Christy M on Mar 20, 2016
    Unfortunately that one was fragile and didn't live long. Sad.
  • Carol G Carol G on Mar 21, 2016
    I have severa, as long as they are in a pot they get about 2' tall if planted in ground will get 5' or more they are definitely double purple angel trumpet
  • Stephanie A Koblick Stephanie A Koblick on Apr 07, 2016
    Datura is a genus of nine species of poisonous vespertine flowering plants belonging to the family Solanaceae.
  • Angel Wings Angel Wings on Apr 09, 2016
    That is a purple, double flowering angel trumpet. ( Datura) The seeds form inside a pod that comes from the fallen flower,, the flower begins to bloom at nighttime and die the next day in tropical climate. I grew them 10 Degrees south east of Hawaii. 21 degrees north of equator. Please Do give seeds away, the more plants that are growing the cleaner the air quality. WARNING ! All parts of this plant are poisonous !!!
  • Alice G Alice G on Apr 15, 2016
    Actually they call this one the devils trumpet
  • Ann Riffe Ann Riffe on Jun 26, 2016
    All parts of this plant are poisonous! Children and pets do not need access to it
  • Lynell Palermo Lynell Palermo on Sep 03, 2016
    Double angle trumpet you also have singles there so beautiful
  • Frances Pursley Frances Pursley on Sep 28, 2016
    Looks to me like a gloxinia
  • Nan10407969 Nan10407969 on Oct 02, 2016
    Datura. I recall that all parts are poisonous.
  • A A on Oct 21, 2016
    It's not a Brugmansia (Angel's Trumpet) as their flowers are pendulous, not upright. The leaves and flowers are Datura; not just poisonous but the seeds are hallucinogenic and fatal. I have some in my garden but keep them in pots at the back of a deck. They are beautiful, but very prolific. I remove the seed pods as soon as I see them; saving only enough for the next season. If the seed pods dry on the plant, they explode and send seeds everywhere.
  • Lisa love Lisa love on Oct 21, 2016
    A trumpet, I have some and they are gorgeous and the same color. Are the blooms large? Save the pods it puts out and replant in the spring.
  • Mel12608038 Mel12608038 on Oct 22, 2016
    It's gloxinia.
  • Bonita L. Gauthier Bonita L. Gauthier on Oct 22, 2016
    I too believe it's a gloxinia...can be tended to as one would an African violet...Great in pots, or indoors. Might be okay outdoors in warmer,frost free areas of the U.S. in warmer areas of the country.
  • Colleen Johnson Colleen Johnson on Oct 22, 2016
    Datura,Devils Trumpet. Poisonous.
  • Connie Thompson Connie Thompson on Oct 23, 2016
    That is Datura. Gorgeous, but poisonous if consumed!
  • Angel Wings Angel Wings on Oct 23, 2016
    Datura Metel, aka trumpet flower, angel trumpet, extremely poisonous. This comes in several colors, the one you bought is a double flowering purple datura metel
  • Angel Wings Angel Wings on Oct 23, 2016
    the leaves of the gloxinia are differently shaped, in these pics, the leaves SEEM to be gloxinia but are not.
  • Fae7711398 Fae7711398 on Oct 23, 2016
    Purple Moon flower..... (common name)--- in the Trumphet family
  • Bettie Bettie on Oct 27, 2016
    Angel trumpet double blossom
  • Bettie Bettie on Oct 27, 2016
    Angel trumpet ...double blossom
  • Are10226733 Are10226733 on Oct 30, 2016
    Angel trumpet (double)
  • Colleen Johnson Colleen Johnson on Oct 31, 2016
    Devils Trumpet.Angels Trumpet hangs down not up.
  • Colleen Johnson Colleen Johnson on Oct 31, 2016
    Anpther name is Datura. Have been told they are quite poisonous.
  • Ann Riffe Ann Riffe on Nov 11, 2016
    probably a brugmansia, in the datura family. don't eat any part of it, as it is in the same family as jimsonweed.
  • Barbara Barbara on Nov 11, 2016
  • Barbara Barbara on Nov 12, 2016
    Angel's Trumpet.. yes, very toxic. Beautiful... and like many a fine vixen... VERY TOXIC. Don't even rub your eyes after you've touched it. So pretty.
  • Ber11137847 Ber11137847 on Nov 14, 2016
    I think is a petunia. I have them in spring
  • Virginia Virginia on Dec 19, 2016

    We used to call it Jimson Weed. It's toxic so be careful. But yes, another name is Datura.

  • Cathy Moskal Cathy Moskal on Jan 01, 2017

    Devil trumpet