Does anyone know what kind of tree or bush this is?
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I have one exactly like that!......don't know where it came suddenly began growing in a pot I transplanted another plant in!! I would love to know what it is also!!
It looks like poison ivy to me.
It looks like an oak tree of some kind to me.
i know it's not poison ivy....have seen it, suffered from it, and sprayed it with roundup!!
When in doubt, ask GOOGLE
squirrels like to deposit the acorns in planters....and everywhere else, too, for that matter.
It's and oak tree seedling
I googled Burr Oak...cuz we have lot of's not that. I'd like to know what kind of oak (which it prob. is.)
It just so happens that I planted some oak seeds last fall, but I didn't recognize the leaf! I believe its a red oak and in a 100 years it should look like this.
Oh Kim!! I am so very happy ..the leaf looks like the last one!! Now..what do I do? I want to plant it in the ground..but where, as we have MANY trees!! I grew up with a beautiful red oak in our back yard!! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!
Janet, I just can' made it this far! I am a person that has a VERY hard time throwing away even plant cuttings!! I just guess I love plants....something I inherited from my father.
I would wait until it gets as big as it can in the pot before transplanting it. If you don't have a sunny spot for it, give it to a friend!
I also came on to tell you that it is an oak that came from an acorn that was probably deposited in your pot by a squirrel. We live near a park and after the acorns fall, the squirrel's bury them in our yard. We were also getting black walnuts until the neighbor with the tree had it cut down.
Before you decide to plant it, research the type of oak it is and see if it is one that is considered a nuisance. Keep in mind that once it starts producing, the dropped acorns can become missiles when run over by a mower.
If you're sure you want to keep it, you can bury the pot with the tree in it to start out. Once the roots are established you'll have a better chance of surviving when you replant it.
Keep in pot for a year maybe of till it out grows the pot. Don't think it would survive transplanting now. If you look around you probably have lots of these last year acorns were plentiful. They are not a fast growing trees. Will take several years until it becomes a tree to survive on its own.
either a red oak or some berry bush tree
more oak
wait u til next year and plant it.
Wow..... read all the above replies but my first thought was POINSETTIA.....
looks like the leaves of a poinsettia
You could also plant it in a corner of a bed till it matures more. That way it's safe. I've done this with rose of Sharon, maples. It will take it quite awhile before it needs moved. A few years.
Thank you Linda. I will keep growing it ( I know it's a red maple now)'s in the pot with (imagine this..(.snake plants/mother in laws tongue!) I will re-pot it when it gets bigger....again, THANK YOU!!
it is a sawtooth oak tree. they put acorns out every other year.
It is an oak tree. It probably came from an acorn that fell into your pot.
Almost looks like poison ivy, not oak. Oak points are more rounded
Thanks Anne!! I plan on doing just that!! Even tho we will prob never get to see it in all it's glory....someone will!!!!
It looks like a Pin Oak tree! I have one in my yard!
It is a Pin Oak tree. The leaves are narrower than a Red Oak and come to a point.
It certainly is NOT Poison Ivy, leaves of three, let them be. The side leaves look like right and left handed mittens.
It is a juvenile pin oak. Trees frequently look different from mature trees when young. If you want to keep the tree please plant it now as the previous suggestion will all damage the seedling. Oaks have tap roots and they need soil depth to develop properly. Remember that roots grow more rapidly than tops and are three time the area of the the visible plant.
Most of the time the dirt you buy has pieces of trees, weeds, grass,etc., all chipped in together. Depending where it's from where it's sat and what got chipped into the dirt you bought. I've had MANY different , mostly weeds, come back from my flower beds, boxes and hanging planters. Then of course we all have birds that love to leave surprises for us also, along with the squirrels and other animals that eat and void everywhere😀
I'm not sure if you're aware of this this but google has a photo search where you can right click on the photo and choose the option to match the pic. (not sure of the exact wording) That should bring up a lot of similar photos and you should find one or more clickable to a page talking about the item. I'm pretty sure that you have to use Google's Chrome browser because it's not working on Windows Edge (that I'm using now). If you don't have Chrome, you can do a search, download it, install it, and use it when ever you want in place of or in addition to what ever browser you're using now on a PC. Don't know about Apple products. Hope that helps. Good luck! :)
Looks like red oak to me deffinely Not poison ivy
This works anywhere. .just put in YOUR/Plants location...
It looks like a pin oak
What ever trees your neighbor has that has acorns or walnut type seeds. I get random ones all over, potted plants and garden beds. They usually steal my tulip bulbs and plant some type of walnut on its place. Gotta love squirrels!
is it poison ivy ?