How do I tint the inside of a glass light fixture?

Dennis Bell
by Dennis Bell

Currently the light produces too much glare and a tint would soften the lighting. I am thinking of a window film but open to suggestions.

  15 answers
  • Chloe Crabtree Chloe Crabtree on Feb 07, 2019

    You might want to try sea glass spray paint. Try it on an empty jar or something like that before you commit to it on your fixture.

    • Dennis Bell Dennis Bell on Feb 07, 2019

      Rather than a frosted look could I get an amber tint transparent look? I actually would test out both if I could?? Thoughts?

  • Deb K Deb K on Feb 07, 2019

    Hi Dennis, you can buy a spry frosting that would look great on these clear shades

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  • You could also try a glass paint too, much like a stained glass transparent color.

  • Dennis Bell Dennis Bell on Feb 07, 2019

    What I am after is an amber tint transparent look!

  • 17335038 17335038 on Feb 08, 2019

    It may be easier to achieve the desired look simply by changing the present lightbulbs to ones with amber glass.

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    • See 1 previous
    • Dennis Bell Dennis Bell on Feb 09, 2019

      Yes..a dimmer switch is in place

  • Sal3170064 Sal3170064 on Feb 08, 2019

    Alcohol inks would probably be the answer. You can get yellows or a ombre one. You only need small amount and some rubbing alcohol. Try on a glass jar first. I've used these on glass and they work well.

    • Sal3170064 Sal3170064 on Feb 08, 2019

      To be honest I can't recall there being brush strokes. I think when I used it I just swirled the ink around. Best experiment on a jar.

  • Slimm Slimm on Feb 08, 2019

    As a retired window tinter I would suggest using some light bronze (35%-50%) window film. It should be applied to the outside of the glass and after drying would look great.

    If in the end, the result doesn't satisfy you then it is a simple matter of peeling it off and using some ammonia based window cleaner or an ammonia/water mixture to remove any leftover adhesive that may remain.

    • Dennis Bell Dennis Bell on Feb 08, 2019

      It would look better if applied to the inside however I was thinking that would be a difficult process to smooth it out and also not show a seam or gap..

  • Barbara Barbara on Feb 08, 2019

    I would change the lightbulb to an amber glow Edison bulb

  • Anne Coppes Anne Coppes on Feb 08, 2019

    I've used the rustoleum glass spray paint - but watch out for drips - you can also get color-changing light bulbs.

  • Kmdreamer Kmdreamer on Feb 08, 2019

    How about some pretty lace or line the inside with pretty doilies or a pot of diluted paint then keep dipping till you get what you want you could even spong the inside with your hand and a small spong and make the color light

  • Terri Terri on Feb 08, 2019

    Unicorn Spit.

  • BikerSue BikerSue on Feb 08, 2019

    Martha Stewart Glass Paint from the craft store

  • C C on Feb 08, 2019

    I took Elmer’s glue and food color. I mixed them to the consistency I wanted in a cereal bowl. Then I used a wide cheap kids paint brush and got to it. Loved the out come. Changed my color from a brownish orange to green.

  • Reenaroc Reenaroc on Feb 08, 2019

    Take the shades off and bring them to a professional etcher. Have them done ever so lightly so that you can still see your cool bulbs. Or I think I saw a technique on here somewhere (do a google search) for doing it yourself. You are getting a lot of good ideas on here. Good Luck. (If all else fails, sell those and get different ones).

  • Debi53 Debi53 on Feb 12, 2019

    Have you considered a lower wattage bulb? Maybe the wattage is too high and causing the glare?