How do I organize all the hair appliances my 3 teenage girls have?

by Sharon

My 3 teenage girls each have a blow dryer, several flat irons and curling wands. How do I organize them in my cabinet that will be easy for them to be shoved in without the cords being tangled.

  6 answers
  • Kim Kim on Feb 09, 2019

    LOL You said teenagers. It's Just not going to happen. Good Luck sweetheart. Enjoy it they grow up so fast.

  • Cindy Cindy on Feb 09, 2019

    Hi Sharon. I'm Cindy. You could drill several large holes into a wooden shelf. Hang it on the wall and use it to hold the electrical hair tools. Just slide them into the holes. Use multiple shelves if necessary. Good luck Sharon.

  • William William on Feb 09, 2019

    You can use plastic bins in their favorite color or put their names on them.

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Feb 09, 2019

    Hello -This link with multiple ideas might offer possible solutions to help assist and solve your troubles.

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    • Sharon Sharon on Feb 10, 2019

      The problem with these is my teens would have to wrap the cord up,. Never gonna happen. I'm lucky if the even unplug them

  • PeggySue2u PeggySue2u on Feb 10, 2019

    The​ POJJO false front hair appliance storage system and POJJO's wall mount hair appliance storage system can give you some inspiration or you can buy them on Home Depot' website.

    PVC can be used to hold the units as well as a metal wine rack. I found a good system that hangs over the towel bar at Sally's Beauty.

    You'll find very creative use of false front storage as well for sell at Amazon searching: Curling Iron Holder by Stowaway Products.

    Good luck and I'm sure you will something that suites your needs. :)

  • Homeroad Homeroad on Feb 10, 2019

    I have 4 daughters and I hang a large metal basket on the side of the vanity. They put their hair dryers, curling irons, and flat irons inside. It is near the plug and in case they are still warm the basket is metal.