How can I update a brick house?

by Fran

I am buying a house that is all brick and looks like the other 5 homes on the street. I do not want to use paint on the brick as I have read about the water/mold issues that may occur. What else can I add to the front brick to personalize the home I am buying. I do plan on landscaping but that still leaves the house looking just like the rest on the street.

  4 answers
  • Wendy Wendy on Feb 13, 2019

    Shutters can make a huge difference! Have you considered staining the brick?

  • Mogie Mogie on Feb 13, 2019

    If you get winters, water could freeze behind the paint and make the brick spall off. Basically, if paint is there, it tends to have the masonry retain water...which is bad.

    • Fran Fran on Feb 13, 2019

      Yeah, thats what I read and we decided to stay clear of paint. I thought about maybe adding detail with a stone product but need to look into whether that would trap water/moisture behind it too and cause the same problem.

  • Lorraine Lorraine on Feb 13, 2019

    Have you talked to professional painters? Because I see it done all the time? Regardless, I don’t know the style of home you have but maybe bring wood in and in the more retro fencing placed horizontally. If you have any posts, cover those wit wooden casings. Also paint your door a vibrant fun color and as Wendy mentioned shutters. That one photo with the colored door is obviously not brick, but just to give you the idea.

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    • Fran Fran on Feb 13, 2019

      These are great ideas. There are areas that I can personalize in this manner.

  • Amanda's Mercantile Amanda's Mercantile on Feb 13, 2019

    I would recommend flower boxes, painting the front door, adding/painting window shutters. Even on most brick houses there is at least wood or vinyl trim between the brick and the roof that can be painted. White always pops really well against read brick. Keeping the shutters, flower boxes & trim neutral and then painted the door a red or teal would really put your stamp on the place.

    Here is a Link to a pin that I found and I've also attached some pictures:

    Hope that helps!


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