How do I build affordable shelf in the garage?

Enj James
by Enj James
  4 answers
  • Any home improvement center will have what you need. They have pre cut shelves in many sizes. You can paint or stain. They also sell a variety of brackets in wood and metal.

  • My husband built a set of shelves in our garage that are 2 feet deep x 16 feet long out of (16) 2 x 2s and (3) sheets of OSB for about $100. I don't have a tutorial for it but I'll attach a picture so you can see how they're built.

    comment photo
  • Tom Stuart Tom Stuart on Feb 16, 2019

    This depends on how much shelving you need and how heavy your storage will be.

    If you just need a shelf or two Naomie has the answer. These are quick and inexpensive. As long as you screw into the studs these are very strong.

    Tricia’s solution will provide a lot of storage for little money. Even if you only made one unit it would give you a lot of stron storage.

    If you don’t have the tools look for the homeowner quality with cords. A drill for the screws ($25) and a circular saw ($40) will allow to build practically everything you need. If you use old pallet wood it is free and you can customize your garage for the price of the tools alone.

  • 1401470 1401470 on Feb 17, 2019

    If you're building just to store things - then a frame made from 2 x 4's and use plywood for the shelf. Stabilize with screws