How to plant a hibiscus and marigold plant in the same container?

Olga Espinosa
by Olga Espinosa

I would love to add a container with a Hibiscus plant as the thriller and grow marigolds as the fillers. Has anyone tried this? Would love to hear your ideas. Thank you.

  2 answers
  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Feb 19, 2019

    be just fine as long as you have ok size container for all of it and great drainage.

  • Olga Espinosa Olga Espinosa on Feb 20, 2019

    Thank you so much. I will post pictures when the project is finished. My dad is taking cuttings today from my mom's hibiscus plant. See picture. Once rooted, I will transfer them to a self watering pot and plant the marigolds. My mom passed away a year ago, so this will be another part of her in my garden. Again, thank you.

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