How to get rid of bed bugs?

by Mary

Need a cheep way to get rid of bed bugs. That doesn’t cost a lot of money.

  4 answers
  • Heat. You really need to call in the pros or you will never be rid of them. Plus you run the risk of spreading them unknowingly.

  • Here are some things you can try.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Mar 16, 2019

    Hi Mary,

    These bugs provide misery when they bite, we stayed at a hotel 2 years ago and they bit me, but left my husband alone. I was covered with the bites-turned out they were in the bed, couch, and rugs!

    In this situation the hotel comped us our stay and treated the room we had and quaranteened the surrounding rooms for the treatment. It was high heat and chemicals as shown in Naomie's post. You can do the treatment yourself, or hire it out to professionals who have the tools, chemicals, and experience. They probably warranty their work.

    Best to you.

  • Ellis Ellis on Mar 19, 2019

    If you stay at a hotel and find it has bedbugs, report it to the local Department of Health, besides the hotel management.

    The Health Department will inspect the hotel room(s), and order the room cleaned and bedding destroyed.