How to correct the issue with hardwood floors?

by Dianne.lucas

My daughter has a house that was built almost 12 years ago and in the livening room, dining room and kitchen she has hardwood floors, that she does not think is wood floors. Well she has two dogs that sometimes potty on the floors and it turns them white in that spot. She has talked to a few people and they said that she just needs to remove the floors and start all over, but that is very expensive. Any ideas??

  3 answers
  • Trixie Trixie on Mar 16, 2019

    Good news! White water stains aren't that bad and mean that the 'water' or liquid hasn't penetrated too deep. Here are some home remedies that might work (including mayonnaise!) Nothing to lose if you try some of these on a not-so-visible spot first.

  • Hmmm. So what are the floors if they are not "wood?" Could they be laminate? Porcelain? Vinyl? Not to be mean, but if you buy a home, one should know what type of floors they have. Different flooring requires different cleaning methods. Chances are she may unknowingly be ruining her floors by using the incorrect products when cleaning.

    What happens after she cleans the area? Does the white go away? What is she using to clean?

  • Dianne.lucas Dianne.lucas on Mar 19, 2019

    she was told that they were real wood floors but they stained them also. She was using sniffer yo mop then she started using just vinegar and water. The white spots go away when she mops but the problem is that all the stain/color is coming off.