How do I dig a hole for flag pole?

by Divagram

nc soil is clay and rocks. dig down 3 inches you hit rocks. what method would be best besides tnt?

  3 answers
  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Mar 18, 2019

    You can rent a hand held auger from a small tool rental store. However, be careful using it because it will jerk you around when it hits rocks.

    Another option would be to use a pick to remove the rocks.

    We have similar soil and we ended up digging holes much larger in diameter than needed in order to remove the rocks and then back filled the holes.

  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on Mar 18, 2019

    post hole diggers work on this here is more info

  • Seth Seth on Mar 18, 2019


    I feel your pain. I have erected far more fences that I care to remember in rocky New England soil. My go to tool for large rocks in my way that an auger or post hole digger are afraid of is a long crowbar like the one I linked below. It can loosen soil around a rock so you can get it out, break rock into smaller pieces, and pry a rock out. It's long and heavy so you get good leverage. Use the 60 inch length.