How do I clean garden tools?

How to clean garden tools

  5 answers
  • Wash with some dish soap and dry thoroughly so they dont rust.

  • Ken Erickson Ken Erickson on Mar 22, 2019

    I used to have a bucket that contained sand and used motor oil for shovels and such. The sand scrubbed off the dirt and the oil gave a slight protection. Don't use a lot of oil and ensure you have a cover to keep out rain.

  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Mar 22, 2019

    5 gallon bucket filled with sand & 1qt used motor oil mix thoroughly plunge tools into oiled sand in bucket this cleans them & oils them to protect from rust. need to remove any caked on soil first keep the bucket inside out of rain or use lid for 5 gallon bucket.Use it for all garden & shop tools, shovels, hedge clippers, hoes. Pruning shears,hand saws, cutting tools etc. remove sap ASAP after use with hot water & Dawn dish soap then plunge blades into sand bucket. Electric saws,hedge trimmers etc. use soft brush,hotwater and Dawn dish soap to remove gunk from blades then oil well. always hang tools to keep them from rubbing on each other or cement dulling them even pointed shovels should be kept sharp(use a file), clean & oiled.

  • Dang Nga Dang Nga on Mar 23, 2019

    For each different gardening equipment, you should use different chemicals, usually you only need to use soap and water to clean them.

  • Joy30150932 Joy30150932 on Mar 23, 2019

    Wet and dry sandpaper is good for removing gunk before you clean or spray with WD40.