What do I do about gap in old wood floors?

by Brenda

What to do refinishing 100 year old wood floors with wide gap between boards

  7 answers
  • Tinyshoes Tinyshoes on Apr 05, 2019

    Brenda...Since it is the age you say and I am sure you want to keep it as much as it is I believe I would try to use a good wood putty. I truly have never done any that age and you will probably get some much better answers from individuals with far more knowledge than I have.

  • Em Em on Apr 05, 2019

    Filling Floorboard Gaps With Rope. Filling large gaps with natural-fiber rope is a traditional method commonly used on wide plank floorboards in very old homes. While the rope doesn't look like wood, you can stain it to blend with the floorboards, and the filled gaps are much less noticeable than the dark, empty gaps.

  • William William on Apr 05, 2019

    I would fill the gaps with wood strips cut to fit tightly in the gaps. Use wood glue to hold them in. Then stain them as close to the existing floor. Seal with two to three coats of a water based polyurethane.

  • Chas' Crazy Creations Chas' Crazy Creations on Apr 05, 2019

    Here's a video that might help - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7focJeab0pM

  • S S on Apr 06, 2019

    good answers but be careful ! depending on where you live, the floor needs room to expand and contract through out the year. if that is your case you could have a nice floor when you are finished only to have it buckle like a corn field later

  • Sally-Charles Evans Sally-Charles Evans on Apr 06, 2019

    I have used sawdust mixed with glue to fill gaps in wood.

    • Brenda Brenda on Apr 06, 2019

      Thanks...will have to save some after sanding floors... did you use wood glue?