How do I get two robins from attacking us?

by Janine

For lest than a week, we have had two robins slam into our kitchen window, also sitting on the window ledge attacking the glass like they are trying to get in. They have a very angry look about them!! Sound so nasty too! Also, the two robins took to going back and forth between my son's Blazer and my truck...pooping while they sit on our side mirrors. Any ideas on what we can do to discourage those "sweet" birds? Thanks so much!

  5 answers
  • Chloe Crabtree Chloe Crabtree on Apr 07, 2019

    It sounds like this is the problem... and how to deal with it:

    • Janine Janine on Apr 07, 2019

      Hi Chloe, Thank you for your insight of our problem. The robins remind me of little toddlers who want their way or else. The will look up to our house and then attack our kitchen window or our two trucks. The trucks are about 50 ft. from our home. We do live semi country on an acre of land. Also we do feed the birds, squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits, and deer. Lots of other critters too. They all get along very well!! Just these two stinkers. Thank you again for your information!

  • Gk Gk on Apr 07, 2019

    Hi Janine! Interesting behavior from robins. They must be protecting a nest somewhere close by. You can try and find a nest and remove it if necessary. The robins will rebuild a nest in another area. If the nest has eggs in it and you feel you just can't take the nest down with eggs in it then you have to wait it out.

    You can also apply a few things to your windows to keep the birds from flying into the windows.

  • Janine Janine on Apr 07, 2019

    Thank you GK for your thoughts. The two robins do not have a nest (s) nearby. They are outwardly being mean. The window ledge beating on the glass is really weird. It reminded me of Alfred Hicots movie The Birds. That is the way these two are behaving. Just sitting on our window ledge, pecking at the glass while they beating their wings wildly. Sqawking very loudly. What a sight!! Thanks again for answering!

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Apr 07, 2019

    Hello. I have had a few to many seasonal window strikes, sometimes caused by birds eating fermented cedar berries. I tried unsuccessfully many of the window clings but I find that these outdoor floating spinning balloonsto be effective as a discouraging deterrant do help keep birds away. Im not sure if they might be enough movement or imposing feature to deter your angry agressive birds. Best wishes finding the perfect solution. I hope this helps.

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  • Pat Pat on Apr 07, 2019

    I was always told birds pick or fly at the glass because they see their reflection and think it is another bird. They are obviously protecting something. Can you put some brown paper or something over the window so they can't see themselves (?) and while your truck is near your house, put a cover over the windows. I believe eventually the birds (robins) will give up. Are you feeding the birds close to your house? We used to and they would sit on our deck ledge and look in the window while pooping. We stopped that right