Is a roll of pond liner better or worse than a drop in liner?

Gina has always wanted a water feature in her garden. This is the year, so I got most of the material from Craigslist and bought a roll of liner. I was explaining my 'vision' when she said that if I was willing to do the work of digging a hole then maybe she should pony up the money for a drop in liner so that it is done right. We discussed and could not agree on which was best. What are your experiences and some solid suggestions? Thanks a million, Gina and I look forward to reviewing your responses.

This will be a 4' x 4' area that will have a water fountain cascading over tumbled river rocks into a pond.

  7 answers
  • William William on Apr 17, 2019

    Personal choice. Drop in liner is easy and fast to install. Dig a hole, drop in the liner. Your only limited to the drop in liners available. Rubber liner is a little more work. Dig and shape you hole. Insert rubber liner, fill with water, trim beyond hole opening, fold and secure edges with stones. No limitations on shaping your pond to any configuration you want. You can add different levels, any shape you want.

  • Amanda Amanda on Apr 17, 2019

    Hi Javier. We have ponds with pond liners. You are able to make the shape you want and you can also add ledges for plants. If you are in a cold climate the drop in liner has more of a chance cracking in winter.

  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Apr 17, 2019

    Drop in liner will not hold up last to the elements especially if you live in areas that freeze,the rubber liners also tolerate have more Uv protection and do not rip,tear,or puncture like the drop in liners.Done right is your way with rubber liner-Sorry Gina

  • Pat Pat on Apr 17, 2019

    We had a pond liner for our pond....every spring it had to be re-positioned, cleaned and edging (rocks) had to be straightened out. Finally got too much and decided to forgo the pond. I always thought the rigid drop in liners would have been better.

  • Nicole Martin Nicole Martin 5 days ago

    Pond maintenance and repair require a quality sealer. Pond Pro 2000, it’s the only liquid butyl rubber in the world. It can be easily applied to all types of surfaces like fountains, waterfalls, pools, ponds, and many more. Because it's a primer-free, one-coat solution. You can visit their website for details by clicking the link below. It’s the only pond sealer in the market that has more than 30 years of history of success and offers a 5-year warranty to its valued customers. It’s available in black and white colors and quarts and gallons; After being applied, it can go below-freezing temperatures at night.

  • Deb K Deb K 2 days ago

    Hello Javier, I have a preform pond, and it has help up for over 30 years. I also have a smaller pond made with a liner, which I had to replace last year after only 10 years of use, so definitely better to put in a preformed because they are much longer lasting.

  • My parents had a pond where they used a rubber liner. It constantly sprung leaks and they were always replacing it. At one point, they had a portion done in concrete but the pond was an unceasing headache unfortunately, despite being so nice.