How do I get rid of these leaves?

Melissa Wedel
by Melissa Wedel

Hello,Should I use a rake and if so what sort of rake should I use to get these leaves out?I'm thinking a gravel rake that isnt too large bc my space is small.* Please don't mind the "ugliness" of the area. I am removing the dead sod today) lol* I lightened the pictures so you can see better.Thank you so much!!!

  5 answers
  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on Apr 20, 2019


    You could use a blower and blow them out of the area or into a pile that you can pick up and put into bags, it won't disturb the gravel at all.

    • See 4 previous
    • Melissa Wedel Melissa Wedel on Apr 22, 2019

      Really? Is it blower and vacuum or just blower? I got out my broom and rake yesterday and between the 2 of them I got most of it cleaned up.

  • Mogie Mogie on Apr 20, 2019

    If you don't have a leaf blower it would just as easy to use a rake. Since I don't know the size of the area it is sort of difficult to give a good answer. I leaf blower could blow dirt and leaves into surrounding areas.

    • Melissa Wedel Melissa Wedel on Apr 20, 2019

      I bought one and it's waaaay too powerful for my small area. I'm going to return it. Everything was flying up all over the place. lol

      I was looking online for "vacuum only", but can't seem to find one; they all seem to be blowers and vacs


      comment photo
  • William William on Apr 20, 2019

    Any rake will work.

  • 17335038 17335038 on May 08, 2019

    A vacuum will likely pick up the small stones as well.

  • 17335038 17335038 on May 08, 2019

    Did you put down landscaping weed barrier fabric first before laying the stones? Doing so will help reduce the number of weeds poking up through the stones, and therefore, the number of weeds that need to be pulled out.