What should I do with a cutting of a sweet pea tree?

Penne Johnson
by Penne Johnson

I have a cutting from a Sweet Pea tree. If I put it in Water in the shade and cover with plastic till it roots. What shouldI put in the water. I have done this with several plants including Hibiscus bush and they root beautifully, What boosterwould you suggest to get a root out of this cutting. Thanks Penne

  3 answers
  • Alice Alice on Apr 23, 2019



    • Penne Johnson Penne Johnson on Apr 23, 2019

      Hi Alice. This is a tree not the climbing plants that are fragrant.

      The tree is beautiful and the flowers are not fragrant. The nursery

      told me its a sweet pea tree/bush. Thanks Penne

  • Cindy Cindy on Apr 24, 2019

    Hi Penne. You could add Epson Salt in the water as a booster. Normally I add one tablespoon of Epson Salt in a gallon of water. I don't know the size of your cutting, but you can adjust the measurements accordingly. You can use this solution on any plants or even in a vegetable garden. And you can repeat every two weeks.

  • Penne Johnson Penne Johnson on Apr 25, 2019

    Thanks loads Cindy. Yep Epson, salt is my go to for boosting, my plants, just

    not sure which ones may not like it. I use the same ratio as you and so will just

    know it is ok. The cutting I put in there (jar) I did use that water, as I always keep a jug ready for it. With the cutting I don't think it will be too much.

    Thanks Cindy keeping my fingers crossed. Penne