How would I solve a drainage problem without having to dig a drain?

by Goldbeargirl

Our backyard slopes toward the house and patio. It rains and then it will pool from the drain spouts and incline of the yard till we have a standing water next to - and depending on the amount of rain, on top of - the patio. Just trying to save a little $$ and do something ourselves other than hire a french drain installer. Any suggestions from the DIY'ers??

  5 answers
  • You can add diverters to your down spouts to direct the water further away from your house. You can also make a dry creek bed to help with redirecting rainwater. French drains are not that hard to do, but it is a bit of work. I balanced the cost of a one time investment v. The cost of water intrusion which is far more expensive in the long run.

  • Kelli L. Milligan Kelli L. Milligan on May 20, 2019

    Not much else, but you can do a French drain yourself. Look on you tube.

  • Clay B Clay B on May 20, 2019

    If your front yard lower? Can you try to direct the water around to the front, and down/out of the house area? Can you use smooth PVC pipe to extend your downspouts to lower area away from the house? Keep in mind, as long as the water EXIT is lower then water ENTRY, it will flow to the EXIT. This allows a portion of the pipe to be higher in some spots and still drain, buts a possible clogging spot; so best to always flow down.

  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on May 20, 2019

  • Goldbeargirl Goldbeargirl on May 21, 2019

    Thank you all of you who answered my question!!