How can I fill a flower bed without flowers?

Teresa Rogers
by Teresa Rogers

I have a flower bed my son built for me several years ago for Mother's Day. I've tried several different types of plants in it but I don't have a green thumb and within weeks it looks terrible. Plus we are gone camping a majority of the time during the spring, summer and fall so not much time to really do a lot of gardening anyway. Does anyone have ideas for decorating a flower bed without flowers? Pics would be great too if you've done something like this. Thanks!

  6 answers
  • Corrinne Tryon Corrinne Tryon on Jun 10, 2019

    Why not try a cactus garden?

    My neighbor is wild about hers. She's keeps sending pictures of various arrangements to me online, and some are simple but beautiful, while others are quite elaborate

  • Deb K Deb K on Jun 10, 2019

    Hi Teresa, when I was little, my Grandma , had a flowerbed with, weed liner, nice rock and artificial shrubs, it looked nice and was zero maintenance, you can buy a lot of these at the dollar stores for low prices as well! Take out for the winter to make them last longer, or leave them in year round

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  • 17335038 17335038 on Jun 10, 2019

    Cover the dirt with weed barrier landscaping fabric, then put rocks on top. This will make the 'garden' very low maintenance and prevent most weeds from appearing. Next arrange outdoor weather resistant pagodas or similar decor items, or make your own rock inukshuks. Attractive, but never any need to water, fertilize, or trim.

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  • Lauren of Mom Home Guide Lauren of Mom Home Guide on Jun 11, 2019

    If you are planting in full sun, marigolds are so hardy! I especially like the African marigolds, which have big orange or yellow blooms. Hostas are good for shade.

  • Lorraine Lorraine on Jun 16, 2019

    How about a fountain, and put largeish stones around it? Or a large colorful Pot with inexpensive annual flowers, try to water them daily if it’s a hot climate, and if they die just replace them! Or get fakes, but go with wild field flowers and grasses, bring them in at end of season wash off with hose, let dry and store till next year. But you still might have to replace yearly, if they get beat up. You can even do seasonal spring,colors,summer, fall/

    Halloween, / Thanksgiving winter/Christmas ...

  • Pat Pat on Jun 16, 2019

    Neighbor lady has several pots and planters on her patio filled with colorful artificial flowers....some drape over and some are bushy. Look very pretty and are maintenance free.