How do I keep little girl hair accessories from tangling ?

by Cora
  5 answers
  • Sarah Sota Sarah Sota on Jul 09, 2019

    clip the barretts onto a ribbon hung on her door knob.

  • Louise Louise on Jul 09, 2019

    Take an old picture frame and remove picture and glass. Then take ribbon in the color of you choice and staple or hot glue ribbon in rows to two sides of the frame.

    comment photo
  • Christel Christel on Jul 09, 2019

    We always used a paper towel core. If it was rubber bands, we would wrap them around the outside and barrets would be clipped onto each end. Sometimes, if the girls wanted to make them "fancy" they would paint them. Easy to replace. :)

  • Linda Linda on Jul 09, 2019

    Here's a great post on organizing hair accessories.

  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Jul 09, 2019

    I have hair to my tail bone lots of ties and barrettes I just use a 2" wide thin leather belt for barrettes hang from buckle on command hook on wall, I use wood embroidery hoop for the hair ties these both can either be kept in drawer or hung on wall on command hooks or even from small stainless steel s hooks from a tension rod on wall depends how much of the accessories you have and how many little girls/boys. they can also be put on plastic clothes hangers in closet you can also use pool noodles pieces for hair ties just poke hole in one end so it goes thru all the way and put ribbon,string,rope,leather strip,shoelace thru hole tie together to hang pool noodle on wall from command hook this might be easier for little girls or boys to get the hair ties off & on. lots of ribbons hang them on shower rod on command hooks on wall the wide rod keeps them from getting fold marks and nice and straight, cover rod with spray adhesive then some non slip material so ribbons don't slide off onto floor