How can I decoupage photos onto a drawer?

Peggy Sturgis
by Peggy Sturgis

I have a chest similar to the world map decoupage featured. Could I use photos instead

  3 answers
  • Emily Emily on Aug 15, 2019

    If you use photos in decoupage, have the photos copied first. Use good quality paper. I always take a project like this to a print shop or UPS, because they have better printers. In this example I first cut out the photos, then glued them to paper in the order that worked for the design. Took those photos on paper to the copy place and then did my project with the new papers. You probably do not want to cut around the images on the photos (which is real decoupage) so just have you photos copied as is.

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  • Kelli L. Milligan Kelli L. Milligan on Aug 15, 2019

    Probably better to make color copies of them to decoupage.

  • Peggy Sturgis Peggy Sturgis on Aug 15, 2019

    Thank you for the help; I plan to follow your advice!