How can I get rid of Japanese beetles?

by Diana

They are eating my vegetables, how do you get rid of them without harsh chemicals?

  4 answers
  • Sandra Lewis Sandra Lewis on Sep 08, 2019

    They have plastic bags that you hang near your plants and it baits them and they fall in the bags and can’t get out. But the better permanent solution is go to Walmart and buy a bag of beetle killer and spread it all over your lawn with a spreader in late fall. These beetles lay their eggs and hibernate under your lawn in winter, only to hatch out when the weather warms up. This will eliminate them permanently since it kills them before they even hatch.

  • Chas' Crazy Creations Chas' Crazy Creations on Sep 08, 2019

    Here's a video that might help -

  • Deb K Deb K on Sep 08, 2019

    Hi Diana, You can spray them with soapy water or water mixed with olive oil to kill them. Neem oil is a great way to kill the larvae and the bugs, be sure to spray the underside of the leaves. Spray again within 5 – 7 days to ensure there are no new eggs that hatched.

    ps Neem oil is practically non-toxic to birds, mammals, bees and plants. ... Azadirachtin, a component of neem oil, is moderately toxic to fish and other aquatic animals. It is important to remember that insects must eat the treated plant to be killed. Therefore, bees and other pollinators are not likely to be harmed.

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Sep 08, 2019

    Hello. Hand pick them.

    Luckily these bugs tend to be large enough to see and grab. Deal with these larger insect pests and harmful caterpillars by simply hand-picking them off the plant. This approach is easy, effective, and free. If you don’t want to touch the bugs, you can always wear gloves.