How do I convert a family room into a master bedroom?

by Alice

Master bedroom transformation

  3 answers
  • Not that hard. You will need to build out a closet and that's about it unless you need to install a door. Can you post photos?

  • Cindy Cindy on Sep 09, 2019

    Hi Alice. I agree with above comments regarding installing a closet. This will be a great closet with shelves for folded clothes, racks for shoes, drawers for socks and underwear and, of course, rods for hanging clothes. This would be my dream closet  . If you have the budget, a master bathroom would be great. Either way, just move your bedroom furniture in and you're done. Good luck Alice.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Nov 30, 2019

    Purchasing a ready made wardrobe or modular wardrobe pieces is an alternate to constructing a closet. Examples below are from IKEA.

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