How can I build a custom privacy wall to cover my neighbor's ugly one?

by Linda

I'm having family and friends over for an outdoor party and want to hide my neighbor's unsightly privacy wall. Creating a pallet wall with florals and a sheet for a projection screen was one idea. I would love to use four old windows for it; just not sure how to incorporate them. Help? Thanks.I'm writing this at night, so I don't have a picture. I can post it later with measurements later.

UPDATE: The wall would need be approximately 14' long x 6' tall.

  5 answers
  • Lorraine Lorraine on Sep 09, 2019

    You might like these. Seem fairly simple. One even has wheels!

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  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Sep 09, 2019

    Hi, You could use bamboo poles into a frame and add artificial garlands. Or make a frame the size you need it to be and attach your window frames at random eg: One fixed to the side with screws, one at the top, one to the side and one to the bottom? Lay out where you want them to go on the frame before fixing to give you a look you will be happy with! These windows could also hold a shelf with a trailing plant in or two. Have a great time with your guests......and enjoy your project!

  • Tinyshoes Tinyshoes on Sep 09, 2019

    Picture would be great Linda so we can see what you are attempting to hide? How much time do you have before your event?

  • J J on Sep 11, 2019

    You could use tall potted plants or construct a helium balloon display with different height levels. Just tether them together and attach them to a couple of bricks.

  • Linda Linda on Sep 12, 2019

    Here's a picture of the area.

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