How do I get rid of gnats?

by Kathy
  5 answers
  • Delores Halstead Beckett Delores Halstead Beckett on Sep 09, 2019

    How about mosquitos

  • Em Em on Sep 09, 2019

    Walmart sells traps.

  • Joy30150932 Joy30150932 on Sep 09, 2019

    Take a fork and move around the soil on the top of your pots. This disturbs them because they tend to migrate to damp soil where they lay their eggs. You can add a bit of sand to the top of the soil and this will help to deter them. There is also a fungus gnat powder which can be sprinkled over the surface of the soil. Plants brought into your home at this time of year will usually have fungus gnats in the soil and sometimes spider mites under the leaves. Plants need to be sprayed with a solution of 40 parts water to one part dish liquid and left on for 10 minutes before bringing into your home.

  • Homeroad Homeroad on Sep 09, 2019

    Here is the best way to get rid of gnats/fruit flies in the home

  • Renee Vlna Renee Vlna on Sep 10, 2019

    I used salad vinegar because it's what I had on hand. My vinegar had a shaker lid on it so rather than throw it away I left about half an inch of the vinegar and they crawled through the opening and died. I've also tried this which also works great. Here's a picture I took of mine.

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