How can I build accessible sliding drawers for my bathroom vanity?

Leigh Neubuck
by Leigh Neubuck

My mother is 79 and has trouble moving around but wants to be self sufficient. I am trying to reorganize areas in the house for her to be able to utilize with more easy. A large struggle she has is with the items she stores under her sink in her very small vanity cabinet, she can't get down and reach in. I am trying to work out a cheap way to make this more accessible for her and any help would be greatly appreciated!! For that matter any ideas on making anything in the house more 'elderly friendly' would be a HUGE help!!! Making our way thru this role change and trying my best to take care of her... I have attached the only pic I have in my phone, unfortunately it is only of the outside (me showing off my paint job a few months back!!!).

  7 answers
  • I would take the door off and put in a shelf. This doesn’t make things any taller per se, but it may help a bit. If she has good hand strength, she could also get one of those grabbers for down low or higher items. My mom has one and loves it. Another idea for cleaning products she may have usually kept under sinks is to put a pocket shoe holder on the back of the door. Spray bottles easily fit in the shoe slots, and they’d be right at eye level. HOpe this helps!

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    • You're welcome!

  • Leigh Neubuck Leigh Neubuck on Oct 22, 2019

    I love that pocket shoe holder idea!!!! That will definitely work! The older you get the more lotions, potions, ointments, etc you have!!!! Thank you thank you thank you!

  • Lucky Home Today Lucky Home Today on Oct 22, 2019

    One of the things my parents have installed are some heavy duty wire basket shelves. I've also added them to my own home. I typically buy them on Amazon because its less expensive.

    • Leigh Neubuck Leigh Neubuck on Oct 22, 2019

      I already looked at them because that is exactly what I wanted but they are all too wide for the small vanity she has - this is my dilemma.....

  • Robyn Garner Robyn Garner on Oct 22, 2019

    • Leigh Neubuck Leigh Neubuck on Oct 23, 2019

      Lots of great info Robyn, thank you very much! One of the units shown there would be PERFECT, single side mount 2 tier, smaller top tier, and 1 sided side mounting rail BUT I can't find it anywhere, such is luck! Thank you very much Robyn, I think I am going to fashion my own roll out shelves where she can put bins full of her things.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Oct 22, 2019

    Dollar Tree has some tall skinny bins, similar to the magazine holders, that would work well.

    • See 1 previous
    • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Oct 23, 2019

      Check for a shelf that will go under a sink. I got one for my parents' at Aldi. It's plastic and has slats that customize to work around the drain pipes. I'm sure you can find it somewhere else. I just saw it and thought they needed it. It's 2 shelves.

  • Debi53 Debi53 on Oct 23, 2019

    I use large turntables for my cabinets. Bed, Bath, & Beyond has them in several sizes. I have 18" ones in my bottom cabinets and 11" ones in my upper cabinets. This makes it so easy to get to things at the back of both the low and high cabinets.

  • Rymea Rymea on Oct 24, 2019

    In addition, maybe adding shelves over the toilet would work.