How do i get rid of fruit flies?

by Cherie
  3 answers
  • We use THESE fruit fly traps off of Amazon and they work great! We put them by the sinks in the kitchen, the pet food/water bowls, etc.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Nov 06, 2019

    Hi Cherie,

    You have to break their life cycle. To do this, wash all produce when you bring it into the house and refrigerate it, excepr bananas. The produce has their eggs on the surface which soon after hatch and fly around. Next is to clean your kitchen drain(s) by adding 1/2 cup baking soda followed by 1 cup white vinegar, when the fizzing stops rinse well with hot water, you may want to keep your drains covered after.

    For the airborn ones, I use a sticky pad from Walmart, lay it flat and peel off the plastic cover, place a piece of decaying sweet fruit in the center of it to attract them, they will land and stay put. Problem solved.