How do I kill bushes and trees near the fence?

by Ulysses

How can a kill trees or bushes around my fence I spend so mooch money and Chemicals like random or others is it a natural way to kill all this bushes and trees please advise

  3 answers
  • Agricultural strength vinegar will work. If you get them when they are small, just dig them out. If it were my house, i would clear the area, lay down landscaping plastic or fabric, then cover with mulch, gravel or river rocks. No sun = no grow and low to no maintenance. I don't use chemicals at my house as I have pets.

  • Kathy Kathy on Nov 25, 2019

    What i did with mine was cut down to soil level with an old electric meat carving knife (gospel truth!) Then i bored some holes in the stumps and pored stump killer over the holes at monthly intervals over 6months. Did the trick for me..

  • Kathy Kathy on Nov 25, 2019

    What i did with mine was cut down to soil level with an old electric meat carving knife (gospel truth!) Then i bored some holes in the stumps and pored stump killer over the holes at monthly intervals over 6months. Did the trick for me..