Do you recommend IKEA wall units?

by Colleen

Do they look cheap?

  13 answers
  • Gk Gk on Dec 27, 2019

    Hello Coleen! Ikea sells a lot of inexpensive things. I think you get what you pay for. It's not top quality stuff but it works! If you take good care of what you buy, it can look nice, it will last, and it's not a huge drain on your budget.

  • Annie Annie on Dec 27, 2019

    Hi Colleen, do you have an Ikea store close enough to you so you can see them in person? We are redoing our kitchen and are thinking of getting Ikea cabinets. And they looked like good quality when we saw them in their showroom.

  • Libbie B Libbie B on Dec 27, 2019

    Ikea makes trend driven, inexpensive items that can look great but are not designed to be heirloom pieces. I love mixing them with more expensive pieces.

  • Beth Beth on Dec 27, 2019

    I tend to like how Ikea products look--they're very clean and modern. But as others have said, they're not heirloom quality pieces. Here are some hacks for making Ikea items look more expensive--maybe one of these will help:

  • Nan W. Nan W. on Dec 27, 2019

    Libbie is right... mixing in with good quality pieces will make the IKEA ones look better. Also... not junking them up will give a clean look to any area.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Dec 27, 2019

    At Ikea, you get what you pay for, generally I do not shop there, too aggravating. The items are basic in quality and will not run a long durable course, so great performance expectations are set aside. If you like the trendy look, go for it, it is not a big investment. They give you plenty of imagination and artistic opportunities.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Dec 28, 2019

    The more often you move any flat pack furniture from home to home, or the more often you dismantle it and then put the pieces back together again, the higher the likelihood that the furniture will begin falling apart. Small sections will become weakened and crack, screw holes will become stripped, and larger pieces may become warped.

    Are you planning to stay for a few years/many years in the home that you will install the wall system in? or are you planning to move in the near future?

  • Here's a tutorial and a review:

  • Dwp7470b Dwp7470b on Dec 28, 2019

    Colleen, any IKEA looks Cheap. It wouldn't rate as IKEA if it didn't need Customization.

    It is almost like buying a $480 fridge and then expecting $2600 Fridge Equivalent Performance.

    It never happens without Customization.

    Among the finer Customizations you can do?

    Contact Paper. Especially: Stainless Steel or Chrome Contact Paper.

  • Colleen Colleen on Dec 28, 2019

    Thank you all for your input. I really appreciate it.

  • I think IKEA is great and it serves a purpose in a stylish way. It’s true, several things they make may not last but with care, they last enough.

    I have to respectfully disagree with Dwp though. Just because it’s inexpensive doesn’t require it to be customized. The option to customize is designed in so you can make it your own if you want. That’s part of the fun of designing your space.

  • Holly Lengner - Lost Mom Holly Lengner - Lost Mom on Apr 08, 2021

    There are lots of IKEA hacks here also: Home and Garden DIY Ideas | Hometalk

  • Deb K Deb K on Sep 13, 2021

    Hello Colleen, it's persona taste, and yes not all is real wood, but I love some of their designs