How do I build a desk?

by Sto9170496
  7 answers
  • Lifestyles Homes Lifestyles Homes on Feb 01, 2020

    The “college dorm room” technique is stacked concrete blocks and a wood door on top. While this is cheap, it is not going to be 29” AFF, the door will sag over time with weight on it and it has no drawers.

    A stack of 3 plastic drawers on casters can be had for $15.

    Since one can buy a very nice used desk for $50, I would buy a modest used desk for less and then drill some wire management holes in it and screw in a surge protected plug strip underneath and then paint it, if needed.

    If you want to build a “proper” desk from scratch, then let us know what tools you have access to.

  • Deb K Deb K on Feb 01, 2020

    Hello, this is a great instructional video on desk building!

  • I just saw some great ideas on Hometalk -- did you check around using the search bar at the top left?

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Feb 01, 2020

    Hello there,

    A desk could be anything from a table to a pair of drawers linked by a flat work top!

    It really depends on what type of use it will be put to.......... Once you have a idea of what you want, draw it out and take it along to a DIY store and show them what you have in mind and they will help you assemble all the materials you will need.

    Enjoy the journey. Mind you you maybe able to acquire one secondhand .....

  • Pamela Pamela on Feb 02, 2020

    My father built me a desk when I was a child , by getting a 2 drawer wood file cabinet ( Or night stand ) then he put a wood brace against the wall , even with the top of the file cabinet . Then he bought a thick wood board , that he cut to size , attached it to the wood brace and the top of the file cabinet . Then he painted the desktop and later a piece of plexiglass on top. This can be done ghee same way , using a second file cabinet instead of using a brace . This simple design worked great , because you had a great work surface , plus storage in the drawer for arts and crafts, office , or school supplies .